#chapter Customising PCE Applications This chapter describes PCE's interface to the X11 resource mechanism. X11 resources specify application defaults. They are commonly used for the specification of user preferences on look-and-feel related aspects of an application. PCE's resource interface is build around class resource and a number of methods on class object and class class. If a PCE class defines a resource named , its value may be specified in ~/.Xdefaults using Pce..: If is an instance of , the value of this resource may be requested using: get(, resource_value, , Value). Value is the converted to the type specified with the resource. For example, class button defines a resource names `size', specifying the minimal size of a button. The type of this resource is `size', defining an instance of the PCE class size. This resource is specified using: Pce.Button.size: 100x20 And requested using: ?- get_object(button(hello), resource_value, size, Size). Size = size(100, 20). Finally, if (which is often the case) a resource defines the default value of an instance variable and the resource has the same name as the instance variable, all instance variables that have value @default and an associated resource may be filled with their resource value using `object ->obtain_resources'. Resources are associated to classes using `class ->resource' or, when using the Prolog class interface, using the term resource/[4,5]. #end chapter #class resource #end class