# Travis-ci specification for SWI-Prolog contributed by Jonathan # Goldfarb. Please note that SWI-Prolog commits are frequent and the # HEAD of master does not always build. language: C dist: trusty os: - linux - osx addons: apt: packages: - build-essential - pkg-config - ncurses-dev - libreadline-dev - libedit-dev - libgmp-dev - libssl-dev - unixodbc-dev - zlib1g-dev - libarchive-dev - libossp-uuid-dev - libxext-dev - libice-dev - libjpeg-dev - libxinerama-dev - libxft-dev - libxpm-dev - libxt-dev - libdb-dev - libpcre2-dev - libyaml-dev - openjdk-8-jdk - junit - ninja-build homebrew: packages: - cmake - ninja - gmp - libarchive - readline - ossp-uuid - openssl - libyaml - unixodbc - berkeley-db - pcre2 - jpeg # The code below may be used to work from your own clone of # swipl-devel.git while downloading the git submodules from GitHub. Note # that you can also simply not checkout the package modules. In this # case you need -DINSTALL_DOCUMENTATION=OFF as the documentation # requires several packages. # # git: # submodules: false # # before_script: # - mkdir build # - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ] ; then sed -i 's~url = ..~url = https://github.com/SWI-Prolog~' .gitmodules; fi # - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ] ; then sed -i '' 's~url = ..~url = https://github.com/SWI-Prolog~' .gitmodules; fi # - git submodule update --init script: - cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/usr -G Ninja .. - ninja - ctest -j 8 - ninja install