SWI-Prolog INCLP(R) ------------------- Author: Leslie De Koninck, K.U.Leuven This software is a Constraint Logic Programming library, capable of solving nonlinear (polynomial) constraints over the real numbers. It is based on interval arithmetic techniques and is built on top of the K.U.Leuven CHR implementation which is also part of SWI-Prolog. The software is released with permission from the author under the standard SWI-Prolog license schema: GPL-2 + statement to allow linking with proprietary software. The sources of this package are maintained in packages/inclpr in the SWI-Prolog source distribution. The documentation source is in man/lib/inclpr.doc as part of the overall SWI-Prolog documentation. More information on INCLP(R) can be found at http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~leslie/INCLPR/