@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion SET "SCRIPT=%~f0" SET "METTALOG_DIR=%~dp0" SET "ALL_ARGS=" SET "FILE_FOUND=0" SET "REPL_FOUND=0" FOR %%A IN (%*) DO ( REM Check if the argument is --repl IF "%%~A"=="--repl" ( SET "REPL_FOUND=1" ) REM Check if the argument is a file with the .metta extension IF "%%~xA"==".metta" ( SET "FILE_FOUND=1" REM Replace slashes and add quotes if there are spaces SET "ARG=%%~A" SET "ARG=!ARG:/=\\!" IF "!ARG!" NEQ "%%~A" SET "ARG="!ARG!"" ) ELSE ( SET "ARG=%%~A" ) REM Add quotes if there are spaces in the argument echo !ARG! | findstr /C:" " > nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET "ARG="!ARG!"" SET "ALL_ARGS=!ALL_ARGS! !ARG!" ) REM Add --repl at the end if no file was specified and --repl was not already found IF "!FILE_FOUND!"=="0" IF "!REPL_FOUND!"=="0" ( SET "ALL_ARGS=!ALL_ARGS! --repl" ) REM Run the command with all arguments swipl -l "%METTALOG_DIR%src\main\metta_interp.pl" -- --python=false !ALL_ARGS!