#!/bin/bash # Assign the first argument to TEST_DIR TEST_DIR=$1 # Remove a specific file and find and delete certain files cat /dev/null > /tmp/SHARED.UNITS find "$TEST_DIR" --name "*metta.html" -delete # Clear the screen and run the MeTTa program with some arguments clear ./MeTTa $2 "$TEST_DIR" --clean --test --timeout=25 # Create a directory named with the current date and time (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format) CURRENT_TIME=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S${2}") mkdir "$CURRENT_TIME" # Copy the contents of the specified directory to the new time-stamped directory cp -a "$TEST_DIR" "$CURRENT_TIME" # Write the command-line arguments to a file in the new directory echo "$@" > "$CURRENT_TIME/results_plain.md" # Run pass_fail_totals.sh and append the output to results_plain.md ./scripts/pass_fail_totals.sh "$TEST_DIR" >> "$CURRENT_TIME/results_plain.md" # Process and save the test results in PASS_FAIL.md { ./scripts/pass_fail_totals.sh "$TEST_DIR" > "$CURRENT_TIME/TEST_LINKS.md" echo "| STATUS | TEST NAME | TEST CONDITION | ACTUAL RESULT | EXPECTED RESULT |" echo "|--------|-----------|----------------|---------------|-----------------|" cat /tmp/SHARED.UNITS | awk -F'\\(|\\) \\| \\(' '{ print $2 " " $0 }' | sort -k2,2 | cut -d' ' -f2- | awk '!seen[$0]++' } > "$CURRENT_TIME/PASS_FAIL.md" # Append the output of total_loonits.sh to results_plain.md rm -f /tmp/SHARED.UNITS ./scripts/total_loonits.sh >> "$CURRENT_TIME/results_plain.md"