import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import sys import os import re from collections import defaultdict import datetime def testfile_name(url): return url.split('#',1)[0].split('/')[-1] def testfile_html_path_from_url(url): path_index = url.index('/reports/') return url[path_index+1:].split('#')[0] def create_testcase_element(testclass, testname, stdout, identifier, got, expected, status, url, time, failcounts_dict, move_filesP): # Create the testcase XML element with the class and test name attributes testcase = ET.Element("testcase", classname=testclass, name=testname, time=time) test_res = f"Assertion: {stdout}\nExpected: {expected}\nActual: {got}" url = url.replace("/./","/").replace("//","/").replace(":/","://") if testclass != 'WHOLE-TESTS': testfile = testfile_name(url) failcount = failcounts_dict[testfile] old_path = testfile_html_path_from_url(url) url = url.replace('.metta.html', '.metta.' + str(failcount) + '_failed.html') if move_filesP and os.path.isfile(old_path): new_path = testfile_html_path_from_url(url) os.rename(old_path, new_path) GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER", 'trueagi-io') if GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER is not None: # Correct checking against None url = url.replace('trueagi-io', GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER.lower()) # Correct method to lower case sys_out_text = f"Test Report\n\n{test_res}\n]]>" if status == "PASS": # If the test passed, add system-out with a clickable link and details system_out = ET.SubElement(testcase, "system-out") system_out.text = sys_out_text else: # status == "FAIL" # If the test failed, add a failure element with details and a clickable link failure_message = f"Test failed: Expected '{expected}' but got '{got}'" failure = ET.SubElement(testcase, "failure", message=failure_message, type="AssertionError") failure.text = f"AssertionError: {failure_message}" system_out = ET.SubElement(testcase, "system-out") system_out.text = sys_out_text return testcase def parse_test_line(line): # Split the line into parts based on the table format parts = re.split(r'\s*\|\s*(?![^()]*\))', line.strip()) if len(parts) < 7: raise ValueError(f"Line does not have the expected number of parts: {len(parts)} found") full_identifier = parts[1].strip() # The second field contains the test package/class and name status = parts[2].strip() # The third field contains the pass/fail status url ='\((.*?)\)', parts[3]).group(1).strip() # Extract the URL inside the parentheses stdout = parts[4].strip() # The fifth field contains the assertion got = parts[5].strip() # The sixth field contains the actual result expected = parts[6].strip() # The seventh field contains the expected result time = parts[7].strip() # The eighth field contains how long it took to run the test try: # Split the identifier into the package, class, and test names testpackage, testname = full_identifier.split('.', 1) if not testpackage or not testname: raise ValueError("Test package or test name is empty after splitting.") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Identifier does not contain the expected format: {full_identifier}. Error: {str(e)}") return testpackage, testname, stdout, full_identifier, got, expected, status, url, time def generate_junit_xml(input_file, timestamp, move_filesP): dt = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp) timestamps_dict = {} failcounts_dict = defaultdict(int) # track number of failures per file packages_dict = defaultdict(list) # Dictionary to group test cases by their testpackage with open(input_file, 'r') as file: for line in file: parts = None if line.startswith("|"): try: parts = re.split(r'\s*\|\s*(?![^()]*\))', line.strip()) testpackage, testname, stdout, full_identifier, got, expected, status, url, time = parse_test_line(line) if status == 'FAIL' and testpackage != 'WHOLE-TESTS': testfile = testfile_name(url) failcounts_dict[testfile] += 1 dt += datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(time)) if testpackage not in timestamps_dict: timestamps_dict[testpackage] = dt testcase_info = (testpackage, testname, stdout, full_identifier, got, expected, status, url, time) packages_dict[testpackage].append(testcase_info) print(f"Processed {testpackage}.{testname}: {status}", file=sys.stderr) except ValueError as e: print(f"Skipping line due to error: {e}\nLine: {line}\nParts: {parts}", file=sys.stderr) # Create a testsuite for each testpackage group testsuites = ET.Element("testsuites", timestamp=timestamp) testsuites_time = 0.0 for testpackage, testcase_infos in packages_dict.items(): testcases = [create_testcase_element(*testcase_info, failcounts_dict, move_filesP) for testcase_info in testcase_infos] testsuite_timestamp = timestamps_dict[testpackage].isoformat(timespec='seconds') testsuite = ET.Element("testsuite", name=testpackage, timestamp=testsuite_timestamp) testsuite_time = 0.0 for testcase in testcases: testsuite_time += float(testcase.get('time')) testsuite.append(testcase) testsuites_time += testsuite_time testsuite.set('time', str(testsuite_time)) testsuites.append(testsuite) testsuites.set('time', str(testsuites_time)) # Generate the XML tree and return it as a string tree = ET.ElementTree(testsuites) return ET.tostring(testsuites, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True).decode("utf-8") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Usage: python scripts/ ") sys.exit(1) input_file = sys.argv[1] timestamp = sys.argv[2] move_filesP = sys.argv[3] junit_xml = generate_junit_xml(input_file, timestamp, move_filesP) print(junit_xml)