import json import threading import time from hyperon import MeTTa from motto.agents import MettaScriptAgent, DialogAgent from motto import get_sentence_from_stream_response def test_stream_response(): m = MeTTa() # we can run metta code from python directly and motto works'!(import! &self motto)') result ='!((chat-gpt-agent "gpt-3.5-turbo" True) (user "Who is John Lennon?"))', True) assert hasattr(result[0].get_object().content, "__stream__") def test_no_stream_response(): m = MeTTa() # we can run metta code from python directly and motto works'!(import! &self motto)') result ='!((chat-gpt-agent "gpt-3.5-turbo" False True) (user "Say meow"))', True) assert "meow" in str(result[0].get_object().content).lower() def test_chat_gpt_additional_info(): agent = MettaScriptAgent(path="basic_stream_call.msa") v = agent('(Messages (system "You are Grace, you are in London")(user "Say meow"))', additional_info=[("model_name", "gpt-3.5-turbo", 'String'), ("is_stream", False, 'Bool'), ("media_msg", "", 'String')]).content result = v[0].get_object().content assert "meow" in result.lower() def encode_image(image_path): import base64 with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: return base64.b64encode('utf-8') def test_chat_gpt_media(): import importlib.util if importlib.util.find_spec('base64') is not None: base64_image = encode_image("data/peace.jpg") agent = MettaScriptAgent(path="basic_stream_call.msa") media_messages = { "role": "user", "content": [ {"type": "text", "text": "What’s in this image?"}, { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}", "detail": "low" } }, ], } media = ('media_msg', json.dumps(media_messages), 'String') v = agent('(Messages (system "You are Grace, you are in London")(user "What do you see on image"))', additional_info=[("system_msg", "please answer with one sentence", 'String'), ("model_name", "gpt-4o", 'String'), ("is_stream", False, 'Bool'), media]).content result = v[0].get_object().content assert "dove" in result.lower() def thread1(agent: DialogAgent): # Wait until value2 is updated by thread2 time.sleep(1) agent.perform_canceling = True def test_canceling_with_thread(): agent = DialogAgent(code=''' (= (respond)((chat-gpt-agent "gpt-3.5-turbo" True True) (Messages (history) (messages))) ) (= (response) (respond)) ''') thread = threading.Thread(target=thread1, args=(agent,)) thread.start() agent('(Messages (system "Who made significant advancements in the fields of electromagnetism?"))') for v in agent.process_last_stream_response(): print(v) thread.join() def test_canceling(): agent = DialogAgent(code=''' (= (respond)((chat-gpt-agent "gpt-3.5-turbo" True True) (Messages (history) (messages))) ) (= (response) (respond)) ''') agent('(Messages (system "Who made significant advancements in the fields of electromagnetism?"))') res = [] resp = agent.get_response_by_index(-1) assert not isinstance(resp, str) for v in agent.process_last_stream_response(): res.append(v) assert len(res) > 0 agent('(Messages (system "Who made significant advancements in the fields of electromagnetism?"))') assert not isinstance(resp, str) agent.perform_canceling = True res = [] for v in agent.process_last_stream_response(): res.append(v) assert len(res) == 0 def test_open_router_stream_sentence(): code = ''' (= (respond) ((open-router-agent "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo" True) (messages)) ) (= (response) (respond)) ''' agent = MettaScriptAgent(code=code) v = agent('(Messages (system "You are Grace, you are in London")(user "Who was the 22nd President of France?"))') stream = get_sentence_from_stream_response(v.content) for chunk in stream: print(chunk) assert "president" in chunk.lower() def test_chat_gpt_stream_sentence(): code = ''' (= (respond) ((chat-gpt-agent "gpt-3.5-turbo" True) (messages)) ) (= (response) (respond)) ''' agent = MettaScriptAgent(code=code) v = agent('(Messages (system "You are Grace, you are in London")(user "Who was the 22nd President of France?"))') stream = get_sentence_from_stream_response(v.content) for chunk in stream: print(chunk) assert "president" in chunk.lower()