from hyperon import * from hyperon.ext import register_atoms from .agents import * import json from .utils import * import importlib.util import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) __default_agent = None def to_nested_expr(xs): if isinstance(xs, list): return E(*list(map(to_nested_expr, xs))) if isinstance(xs, dict): return E(*[E(to_nested_expr(k), to_nested_expr(v)) for k, v in xs.items()]) return xs if isinstance(xs, Atom) else ValueAtom(xs) def atom2msg(atom): if isinstance(atom, ExpressionAtom): # Avoid () in Expression representation txt = "" for ch in atom.get_children(): txt += atom2msg(ch) + " " return txt[:-1] + "\n" if isinstance(atom, GroundedAtom): if isinstance(atom.get_grounded_type(), ExpressionAtom): return repr(atom) if isinstance(atom.get_object(), ValueObject): # Parse String separately to avoid "" in its repr v = atom.get_object().value if isinstance(v, str): return v.replace("\\n", "\n") return repr(atom) def get_func_def(fn, metta, prompt_space): doc = None if prompt_space is not None: # TODO: Querying for a function description in prompt_space works well, # but it is useless, because this function cannot be called # from the main script, so the functional call is not reduced. # Fixing this requires in general better library management in MeTTa, # although it can be managed here by interpreting the functional call expression. # Another approach would be to have load-template, which will import all functions to &self # (or just to declare function in separate files and load to self, since we may want them # to be reusable between templates) r = prompt_space.query(E(S('='), E(S('doc'), fn), V('r'))) if not r.is_empty(): doc = r[0]['r'] if doc is None: # We use `match` here instead of direct `doc` evaluation # to evoid non-reduced `doc` doc ="! (match &self (= (doc {fn}) $r) $r)") if len(doc) == 0 or len(doc[0]) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"No {fn} function description") doc = doc[0][0] # TODO: format is not checked doc = doc.get_children() properties = {} for par in doc[2].get_children()[1:]: p = par.get_children() # NOTE: metta-type is passed to an LLM as well, which is tolerated atm prop = {"type": "string", "description": p[1].get_object().value, "metta-type": 'String', } if isinstance(p[0], ExpressionAtom): par_typ = p[0].get_children() if repr(par_typ[0]) != ':': raise TypeError(f"{p[0]} can only be a typing expression") par_name = repr(par_typ[1]) prop["metta-type"] = repr(par_typ[2]) else: par_name = p[0].get_name() if len(p) > 2: # FIXME? atom2msg or repr or ...? prop["enum"] = list(map(lambda x: atom2msg(x), p[2].get_children())) properties.update({par_name: prop}) # FIXME: This function call format is due to ChatGPT. It seems like an excessive # wrapper here and might be reduced (and extended in the gpt-agent itself). return { "name": fn.get_name(), "description": doc[1].get_children()[1].get_object().value, "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": properties } } def is_space(atom): return isinstance(atom, GroundedAtom) and \ isinstance(atom.get_object(), SpaceRef) def get_llm_args(metta: MeTTa, prompt_space: SpaceRef, *args): agent = None messages = [] functions = [] msg_atoms = [] def __msg_update(ag, m, f, a): nonlocal agent, messages, functions, msg_atoms if ag is not None: agent = ag messages += m functions += f msg_atoms += [a] for atom in args: # We first interpret the atom argument in the context of the main metta space. # If the prompt template is in a separate file and contains some external # symbols like (user-query), they will be resolved here. # It is useful for messages, agents, as well as arbitrary code, which relies # on information from the agent. # TODO: we may want to do something special with equalities #arg = interpret(, atom) arg = metta.evaluate_atom(atom) # NOTE: doesn't work now since Error inside other expressions is not passed through them # but it can be needed in the future #if isinstance(arg, ExpressionAtom) and repr(arg.get_children()[0]) == 'Error': # raise RuntimeError(repr(arg.get_children()[1])) arg = atom if len(arg) == 0 else arg[0] if is_space(arg): # Spaces as prompt templates should be wrapped into Script argument continue elif isinstance(arg, ExpressionAtom): ch = arg.get_children() if len(ch) > 1: name = ch[0].get_name() if name == 'Messages': __msg_update(*get_llm_args(metta, prompt_space, *ch[1:])) elif name in ['system', 'user', 'assistant', 'media']: messages += [{'role': name, 'content': atom2msg(ch[1])}] msg_atoms += [arg] elif name in ['Functions', 'Function']: functions += [get_func_def(fn, metta, prompt_space) for fn in ch[1:]] elif name == 'Script': if is_space(ch[1]): # FIXME? This will overwrites the current prompt_space if it is set. # It is convenient to have it here to successfully execute # (llm &prompt (Functions fn)), when fn is defined in &prompt. # But (Function fn) can also be put in &prompt directly. # Depending on what is more convenient, this overriding can be changed. prompt_space = ch[1].get_object() else: # TODO: a better way to load a script? m = MeTTa() # TODO: asserts"!(import! &self motto)") with open(atom2msg(ch[1])) as f: prompt_space = __msg_update(*get_llm_args(metta, prompt_space, *prompt_space.get_atoms())) elif name == 'Agent': agent = ch[1] # The agent can be a Python object or a string (filename) if isinstance(agent, GroundedAtom): agent = agent.get_object().content elif isinstance(agent, SymbolAtom): agent = agent.get_name() else: raise TypeError(f"Agent {agent} is not identified") params = {} for param in ch[2:]: ps = param.get_children() params[repr(ps[0])] = ps[1] agent = (agent, params) elif name == 'Kwargs': params = {} for param in ch[1:]: ps = param.get_children() params[repr(ps[0])] = ps[1] if not isinstance(agent, tuple): agent = (agent, params) else: agent[1].update(params) elif name == '=': # We ignore equalities here: if a space is used to store messages, # it can contain equalities as well (another approach would be to # ignore everythins except valid roles) continue else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized argument: " + repr(arg)) else: # Ignore an empty expression () for convenience, but we need # to put it back into msg_atoms to keep the structure msg_atoms += [arg] else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized argument: " + repr(arg)) # Do not wrap a single message into Message (necessary to avoid double # wrapping of single Message argument) return agent, messages, functions, \ msg_atoms[0] if len(msg_atoms) == 1 else E(S('Messages'), *msg_atoms) def get_response(metta,agent, response, functions, msgs_atom): if not hasattr(response, "tool_calls"): # if response is stream return [ValueAtom(response)] if response.tool_calls is not None: result = [] for tool_call in response.tool_calls: fname = fs = S(fname) args = tool_call.function.arguments if isinstance(tool_call.function.arguments, dict) else json.loads( tool_call.function.arguments) args = {} if args is None else \ json.loads(args) if isinstance(args, str) else args # Here, we check if the arguments should be parsed to MeTTa for func in functions: if func["name"] != fname: continue for k, v in args.items(): if func["parameters"]["properties"][k]['metta-type'] == 'Atom': args[k] = metta.parse_single(v) result.append(repr(E(fs, to_nested_expr(list(args.values())), msgs_atom))) res = f"({' '.join(result)})" if len(result) > 1 else result[0] val = metta.parse_single(res) return [val] return response.content if isinstance(agent, MettaAgent) else \ [ValueAtom(response.content)] def llm(metta: MeTTa, *args): try: agent, messages, functions, msgs_atom= get_llm_args(metta, None, *args) except Exception as e: # NOTE: we put the error into the log since it can be ignored by the caller logger.error(e) # return [E(S("Error"), ValueAtom(str(e)))] raise e if agent is None: agent = __default_agent params = {} else: (agent, params) = agent if isinstance(agent, str): # NOTE: We could pass metta here, but it is of no use atm agent = MettaScriptAgent(agent) if not isinstance(agent, Agent): raise TypeError(f"Agent {agent} should be of Agent type. Got {type(agent)}") if not isinstance(agent, MettaAgent): for p in params.keys(): if not isinstance(params[p], GroundedAtom): raise TypeError(f"GroundedAtom is expected as input to a non-MeTTa agent. Got type({params[p]})={type(params[p])}") params[p] = params[p].get_object().value try: response = agent(msgs_atom if isinstance(agent, MettaAgent) else messages, functions, **params) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e return get_response(metta, agent, response, functions, msgs_atom ) class AgentCaller: def __init__(self, metta, agent_class, *args, unwrap=True): self.metta = metta if unwrap: self.agent_atom = OperationAtom("_", agent_class).get_object().execute(*args)[0] else: self.agent_atom = OperationAtom(str(agent_class), agent_class(*args)) def __call__(self, *args): return llm(self.metta, E(S('Agent'), self.agent_atom), *args) @register_atoms(pass_metta=True) def llmgate_atoms(metta): global __default_agent __default_agent = ChatGPTAgent() llmAtom = OperationAtom('llm', lambda *args: llm(metta, *args), unwrap=False) # Just a helper function if one needs to print from a metta-script # the message converted from expression to text msgAtom = OperationAtom('atom2msg', lambda atom: [ValueAtom(atom2msg(atom))], unwrap=False) containsStrAtom = OperationAtom('contains-str', lambda a, b: [ValueAtom(contains_str(a, b))], unwrap=False) concatStrAtom = OperationAtom('concat-str', lambda a, b: [ValueAtom(concat_str(a, b))], unwrap=False) message2tupleAtom = OperationAtom('message2tuple', lambda a: [ValueAtom(message2tuple(a))], unwrap=False) result = { r"llm": llmAtom, r"atom2msg": msgAtom, # FIXME: We add this function here, so we can explicitly evaluate results of LLMs, but # we may either expect that this function appear in core MeTTa or need a special safe eval r"_eval": OperationAtom("_eval", lambda atom:"! " + atom.get_object().value)[0], unwrap=False), r"contains-str": containsStrAtom, r"concat-str": concatStrAtom, r"message2tuple": message2tupleAtom } if importlib.util.find_spec('anthropic') is not None: result[r"anthropic-agent"] = OperationAtom('anthropic', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('anthropic-agent', AgentCaller(metta, AnthropicAgent, *args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) if importlib.util.find_spec('tiktoken') is not None: if (importlib.util.find_spec('bs4') is not None) \ and (importlib.util.find_spec('markdown') is not None): result[r"retrieval-agent"] = OperationAtom('retrieval-agent', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('retrieval', AgentCaller(metta, RetrievalAgent, unwrap=True,*args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) chatGPTAgentAtom = OperationAtom('chat-gpt-agent', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('chat-gpt', AgentCaller(metta, ChatGPTAgent, *args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) result[r"chat-gpt-agent"] = chatGPTAgentAtom meTTaScriptAtom = OperationAtom('metta-script-agent', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('msa', AgentCaller(metta, MettaScriptAgent, unwrap=False, *args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) result[r"metta-script-agent"] = meTTaScriptAtom meTTaAgentAtom = OperationAtom('metta-agent', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('ma', AgentCaller(metta, MettaAgent, unwrap=False, *args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) result[r"metta-agent"] = meTTaAgentAtom dialogAgentAtom = OperationAtom('dialog-agent', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('mda', AgentCaller(metta, DialogAgent, unwrap=False, *args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) result[r"dialog-agent"] = dialogAgentAtom echoAgentAtom = OperationAtom('echo-agent', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('EchoAgent', AgentCaller(metta, EchoAgent, *args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) result[r"echo-agent"] = echoAgentAtom result[r"open-router-agent"] = OperationAtom('open-router-agent', lambda *args: [OperationAtom('ora', AgentCaller(metta, OpenRouterAgent, *args), unwrap=False)], unwrap=False) return result def str_find_all(str, values): return list(filter(lambda v: v in str, values)) @register_atoms def postproc_atoms(): strfindAtom = OperationAtom('str-find-all', str_find_all) return { r"str-find-all": strfindAtom, }