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  1. onely one resul;t (details)
  2. movement of files (details)
  3. divided upo mined info (details)
  4. swi_flybase_convert (details)
  5. setup starting (details)
  6. vspace-metta/pyswip/ (details)
  7. scripts/ (details)
  8. fixed scripts/ (details)
  9. begining of the command debugger (details)
  10. CallsVSpace=True (details)
  11. nars/current (details)
  12. .gitignore (details)
  13. tests from ~@abelikov (details)
  14. metta_vspace/pyswip/ (details)
  15. metta_vspace/pyswip/ 2 (details)
  16. fast_column (details)
  17. show-metta-def (details)
  18. write_src (details)
  19. all 14 on examples/compat/hyperon-experimental/python/tests/scripts/d1_gadt.metta (details)
  20. metta_types (details)
  21. metta_types2 (details)
  22. metta_types3 (details)
  23. metta_types4 (details)
  24. 88% (details)
  25. maybe 88% (details)
  26. .bash_history (details)
  27. pyswip/ (details)
  28. more debugging (details)
  29. metta_impl_data (details)
  30. v_1 (details)
  31. metta_vspace/pyswip/ (details)
  32. metta_vspace/pyswip/metta (details)
  33. metta_vspace/pyswip/ (details)
  34. metta_vspace/pyswip/ (details)
  35. reports/cuRRent (details)
  36. ./MeTTa --v_77 (details)
  37. 187|    24|    88%| reports/cuRRent/interp_00/hyperon-experimental_scripts (details)
  38. fuller readme (details)
  39. metta_data. (details)
  40. metta_data2 (details)
  41. metta_data3 (details)
  42. metta_data4 (details)
  43. reports (details)
  44. 222 (details)
  45. units2 (details)
  46. reports/ (details)
  47. Fixed flybase snaitry tests (details)
  48. too  much --help (details)
  49. still baseline (details)
  50. still baseline 2 (details)
  51. numme (details)
  52. det_results (details)
  53. better concurancy exmaples (details)
  54. implemented hyperpose as: eval_40(Eq,RetType,Depth,Self,['hyperpose',ArgL1],ResL):- \!, concurrent_maplist(eval(Eq,RetType,Depth,Self),ArgL1,ResL). (details)
  55. exceeds baseline sliughtly (details)
  56. from_vspace/ (details)
  57. Instatter for VSPAce (details)
  58. Queries for flybase testing (details)
  59. try this remotely (details)
  60. prev_chains (details)
  61. / (details)
  62. 4 bioatomspace (details)
  63. for bio-atomspace (details)
  64. flybase-loader-size-estimates.metta (details)
  65. new some differnt backup versions in GIT (details)
  66. epxlains how the script mods their system (details)
  67. grab package from git now (details)
  68. loaded rest of files (details)
  69. loaded rest of files (details)
  70. loaded rest of files (details)
  71. /metta_convert (details)
  72. to other (details)
  73. (details)
  74. examples/features/polymorphic-types/ (details)
  75. cvorrectly evals or not the arguments (details)
  76. fixed the extra retval (details)
  77. pyswip_lng (details)
  78. 12-15-want (details)
  79. flybase-loader-size-estimates.metta (details)
  80. fixed bad merge (details)
  81. restored accidental deleteion (details)
  82. relative-arithmetic.metta (details)
  83. added testcase (details)
  84. reports/features/bidirectional_computation/relative-arithmetic.metta.html (details)
  85. hyperpose (details)
  86. fixed let (details)
  87. (details)
  88. huge just in unit test results (details)
  89. omg.. that mispelling has caused a problem :) (details)
  90. up by 100 (details)
  91. register_remote_code (details)
  92. debugging/debug_some.mettarc (details)
  93. examples/features/distributed-processing/create-server.metta (details)
  94. ssl error should not be deadly (details)
  95. is_testing (details)
  96. define current_self/1 earlier (details)
  97. by default use the fast reader (details)
  98. implemented (empty) (details)
  99. Freeze (details)
  100. multifile(asserted_metta/4) (details)
  101. respect string_to_syms (details)
  102. data/ (details)
  103. added max-time (details)
  104. Add Dockerfile to build docker image with MeTTaLog in it (details)
  105. Add section about docker in the (details)
  106. mettalog is runfromdocker scrip (details)
  107. local development might need these changes without commiting (details)
  108. fbugio (details)
  109. inchtowards revert (details)
  110. inchtowards revert 2 (details)
  111. inchtowards revert 3 (details)
  112. inchtowards revert 4 (details)
  113. implemented (details)
  114. (details)
  115. update to how tests/debug runs (details)
  116. make sure that ctrl-c works (details)
  117. debug_this_script (details)
  118. update to allow more compiler use and 2-way translation (details)
  119. set  flag argv [] (details)
  120. fixed the  examples/python_compat/janus/ tests (details)
  121. usign a python function registry (details)
  122. MeTTa --compile=full examples/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/fibo_hang.metta  runs !(fibo 80) in 2.24 milliseconds (details)
  123. compile much closer tro rust output.. commitin since it fix other bugs (details)
  124. adding in benchmarks (details)
  125. rebased mettalog (details)
  126. scripts/ (details)
  127. almost like the real thing (details)
  128. dont print executing wtice to log (details)
  129. time mettalog examples/performance/comparisons/fibo_hang_900.metta (details)
  130. optimize_conjuncts (details)
  131. optimize_head_preconds_into_body1 (details)
  132. time mettalog examples/performance/comparisons/fibo_hang_arg1.metta --args 111111 ;; in 7 seconds (details)
  133. start of dmiles branch (details)
  134. git checkout bb49b80c423ea93a9ccfd259d593d35690a8e0ef metta_vspace/pyswip/ -f (details)
  135. no longer need swi-prologs pack system since sometimes its down (details)
  136. testing docker so need this commited (details)
  137. testing docker so need this commited 23 (details)
  138. testing docker so need this commited 234 (details)
  139. Needing to add in packages so can be maintained with instlalation site (details)
  140. Dockerfile (details)
  141. #2 this is a bit of extra that dint make it in (details)
  142. ENV PATH="${PATH}:${MATTALOG_DIR}" (details)
  143. really got #2 fixed maybe (details)
  144. fixed large file loading (details)
  145. update for metta-examples (details)
  146. Merged (details)
  147. (details)
  148. update the readme (details)
  149. update the readme 2 (details)
  150. update the readme 3 (details)
  151. simplified readme (details)
  152. less simplified readme (details)
  153. pre-canary pre-development (details)
  154. canary (details)
  155. development (details)
  156. main (details)
  157. mettalog (details)
  158. formating (details)
  159. Update (details)
  160. path updates (details)
  161. nullify_output_really (details)
  162. deleted_to_re_add (details)
  163. (details)
  164. restore building of hyerponpy (details)
  165. towards combined.metta (details)
  166. towards file-output.metta (details)
  167. unset LD_PRELOAD (details)
  168. towards combined (details)
  169. with_output_to_stream (details)
  170. begun canary merge (details)
  171. fix for curried chain.. but back to the old IO (details)
  172. interp restored.. now eval is remaining (details)
  173. interp is now restored but eval is remaining (details)
  174. fixes for curried forward chainer (details)
  175. added a quick docs/; (details)
  176. quick blurb about the methodology (details)
  177. fixed example (details)
  178. fixed the quick blurb (details)
  179. fixed the quick blurb 2 (details)
  180. writing check in documentaiton the a** doith cash (details)
  181. clearer english? (details)
  182. more cowbell (details)
  183. reordered explanation (details)
  184. one more try (details)
  185. two more more tries (details)
  186. answer files (details)
  187. Rename from hyperon-wam to metta-log (details)
  188. Update (details)
  189. apt -y (details)
  190. njo debug (details)
  191. no more debug (details)
  192. updates to fix the spam debug that made tmpMatch.metta hard for debug .. next commit hopefully fixes the failure (details)
  193. MeTTaLog runs on Windows (details)
  194. update from hyperon-experimental (details)
  195. more and more tests (details)
  196. supprt for catch/throw and function/return , update on how conversion files are found (details)
  197. corrected trace\! .. updated translator (details)
  198. returning %Undefined% for non-typed symbols (details)
  199. alighn ',' with real metta (details)
  200. alighn ',' with real metta this time (details)
  201. is_tollerant (details)
  202. tests/features/metta_convert (details)
  203. reset_eval_num (details)
  204. update of scripts including mettalog (details)
  205. Update the test result links (details)
  206. Stricter verison of  ideally to avoid weirdness liek in MeTTa-NARS (details)
  207. update of canary version (details)
  208. version-config (details)
  209. fix some io issues where perious optut ios being created also one unit test fix a mispelling (details)
  210. better printing of empty values (details)
  211. allow eval if type decls (details)
  212. decide to locate the shared test results (details)
  213. src/version-config (details)
  214. update startup scripts (details)
  215. set cananry for devleopment (details)
  216. set main for stability (details)
  217. set update main now that is is stable (details)
  218. Big fixes to compiler .. also a rename of non atom api top symbol api (details)
  219. rename of non atom api top symbol api (details)
  220. test_in_metta allows interuptions now (details)
  221. Internal ontology file (details)
  222. update long development code (details)
  223. updates for baseline tests (details)
  224. Added by Visual Studio Code (details)
  225. compiler at 38% on mettamorph tests (details)
  226. tests/compiler/nars/main-branch/ are the canonical tests for the compiler (details)
  227. bio-atomspace updates (details)
  228. removed singleton and dicontiguous warning (details)
  229. allow compiler to push limits of depth and even eval to nonvar (details)
  230. will compile all functions that have their types declared - since some break in the compiler has bugs, you may declare these  (: MyFunction Interpeted) to disable compilation (details)
  231. load asccsii (details)
  232. using $rettag for function return (details)
  233. src/canary/ (details)
  234. fixes for @hedra s use of curried backchainer (details)
  235. loader updates for @abdu (details)
  236. removed singleton warnings (details)
  237. add 2 levels of indexing via s2t (details)
  238. one last fix for metta reader to more gracefully know when somehntingt is a comment (details)
  239. update space size calculations, slighlty deeper index for type declarations (details)
  240. src/main (details)
  241. Main is better than Canary Again (details)
  242. Main=Canary (details)
  243. no regression yet .. incremetnally working our way forward (details)
  244. base (details)
  245. updates for python (details)
  246. back to quiet (details)
  247. dir where they should be (details)
  248. py_argv (details)
  249. into_arg_code (details)
  250. canary_3_py (details)
  251. plz merge base into canary (details)
  252. s/asserted_metta_atom/metta_atom_asserted/g (details)
  253. interp (details)
  254. interp2 (details)
  255. interp3 (details)
  256. interp4 (details)
  257. getting farther on MeTTa-NARS (details)
  258. src/canary (details)
  259. added test scripts to produce html report (details)
  260. compiler works on backchainer! (details)
  261. extra target (details)
  262. sync loader (details)
  263. updates to tests/baseline_compat/ (details)
  264. main is still good (details)
  265. main uses new loader/compiler (details)
  266. main traces defns (details)
  267. pass MeTTaNARS 2/4! (details)
  268. canary (details)
  269. Best Yet Main (details)
  270. 4-03-fav (details)
  271. happy cananry (details)
  272. 97%git status .git status . on interperter tests (details)
  273. pre-answers (details)
  274. Fixed testing while compiling (details)
  275. Fixed findall_ne in optimize_body (details)
  276. 06-canary-lng-both (details)
  277. ../tests/nars_w_comp/ (details)
  278. symc of compilers (details)
  279. uses internal fwd chainer to maintain compiler states (details)
  280. dont add extra default rel history items (details)
  281. bc_comp (details)
  282. mettalog --log bc_comp.metta fixed \! (details)
  283. compiler before optimizer is switched on (details)
  284. Reactive Compiler (Miles/Finnin) needed to be spread into multiple files ad well as some fixes tpo make sure the compiler recompiles functions upon user request.. also fixed bug where  waited on the body (details)
  285. eval_for1 (details)
  286. (details)
  287. ../nars_w_comp/nars/main-branch/LIB_NARS_COMP_1.metta (details)
  288. hyperon-miner/utils/MinerUtils~OLD.metta (details)
  289. packs update (details)
  290. update baseline (details)
  291. library/genome/chado_xml_loader (details)
  292. canary (details)
  293. 431|   94% | tests (details)
  294. (do .. ) can return Empty (details)
  295. back track on empty (details)
  296. back to 94% (details)
  297. more complete (details)
  298. removed metta(e): no matching debug topic (yet) (details)
  299. undisabled debugging (details)
  300. really back to 94% - next is BadType fix (details)
  301. eval -> eval_args (details)
  302. main (details)
  303. canary (details)
  304. inf (details)
  305. New systems may not have cmake libpython3-dev (details)
  306. mettalog NARS tests (details)
  307. xlisting_update (details)
  308. assumed no regressions and now tests can run from windows (details)
  309. readme update (details)
  310. predicate types (details)
  311. MeTTa -> mettalog (details)
  312. compiler_specific/transpiler (details)
  313. canary (details)
  314. t(f, _x, _retval):- _retval #= 2 * _x (details)
  315. pip doesnt need sudo (details)
  316. add_py_dirs_to_pythonpath (details)
  317. scripts/ensure_env (details)
  318. scripts/ensure_venv (details)
  319. py_is_module (details)
  320. update of  install section of readme (details)
  321. stdlib_minimal_test (details)
  322. TF2Res (details)
  323. Arity 3 version of get-type is now implemented (details)
  324. eval_20(_Eq,_RetType,_Depth,_Self,['decons-atom',[H|T]],[H,T]) (details)
  325. superpose/collapse-bind (details)
  326. @doc some-func (details)
  327. pass the $space argument (details)
  328. fixed link to GitHub Issues Page (details)
  329. string to and from char conversion (and tests) (details)
  330. removed cuts, more tests (details)
  331. mostly working format-args (details)
  332. Corrected options to return MeTTa booleans instead of Prolog booleans (details)
  333. Commented file (details)
  334. format-args nearly finished (details)
  335. deal with escaped {{ }} (details)
  336. pre stdlib (details)
  337. checkbox display (details)
  338. initial JUnit.xml generation (details)
  339. pip install junit2html into (details)
  340. add a test description JUnit.xml generation (details)
  341. Fake scripts/ (details)
  342. Fixed chmod (details)
  343. reporter: 'junitxml' (details)
  344. reporter: 'java-junit' (details)
  345. junit-matrix-report.html --report-matrix (details)
  346. scripts/ (details)
  347. resorts/ (details)
  348. --report-matrix junit-matrix-report.html (details)
  349. junit-matrix-report.html (details)
  350. Continue even if step fails (details)
  351. fail-on-error: false  # Do not fail the job if tests fail (yet) (details)
  352. JUnit test comparison report is also available. (details)
  353. Trigger CI (details)
  354. Diff JUnit Test Results (details)
  355. Standard, matrix, and comparison HTML reports are available as artifacts. (details)
  356. Standard, matrix, and comparison HTML reports are available as artifacts. (details)
  357. JUnit reports, Allure report, and test comparison reports are available as artifacts. (details)
  358. Add permissions for contents and checks to avoid integration errors (details)
  359. Add permissions for contents and checks to avoid integration errors (details)
  360. Update (details)
  361. fix to format-args with bad args (details)
  362. cleaned up code section header, error checking for format-args (details)
  363. Added comments to STDLIB (details)
  364. Added ORIGIN comments to STDLIB (details)
  365. Enhance CI workflow to handle permissions for pull requests effectively (details)
  366. Updated CI workflow to handle permissions for PRs with full write access (details)
  367. Updated failure messages (details)
  368. Updated CI workflow to conditionally execute test reporting on push events only (details)
  369. FIX: Allow exiting of interp on Ctrl-D.  To get to the prolog prompt you can still type (details)
  370. Update ci.yml (details)
  371. Update ci.yml (details)
  372. Update ci.yml (details)
  373. separated unify and if-unify (details)
  374. wq! (details)
  375. get-type-state (commented out) (details)
  376. Update deprecated action versions (details)
  377. Publish Allure Report to GitHub Pages (details)
  378. internal op was the same things as MeTTa (details)
  379. Fix for (details)
  380. recurse docs/*.* wiki/*.* (details)
  381. Towards Create and Integrate stdlib_mettalog.metta and/or corelib.metta (details)
  382. docs/chatgpt_knowledge_doc.txt (details)
  383. updates to chatgpt_knowledge_doc (details)
  384. include more test results (details)
  385. add xor processing (details)
  386. add xor processing (details)
  387. add xor processing (details)
  388. Solved part of (details)
  389. Allow eval_## to happen in more places (details)
  390. subtraction for (details)
  391. subtraction for (details)
  392. Allow eval_## to happen in more places 2 (details)
  393. canary-90 (details)
  394. canary-90 metta_eq_def (details)
  395. canary-90 use_corelib_file (details)
  396. fixed prompt and history issues (details)
  397. some install/doc fixes (details)
  398. Update (details)
  399. Update (details)
  400. Update (details)
  401. Update (details)
  402. required_version="9.3.8" (details)
  403. change back to starting directory (details)
  404. update 2 repr parse intersect (details)
  405. useable src/canary/*.metta (details)
  406. change how metta finds its files (details)
  407. change how metta finds its files (details)
  408. graphml loader (details)
  409. really using stdlib_mettalog (details)
  410. start of graphml loader (details)
  411. have ci.yml & install mettalog and run tests (details)
  412. separate install and run tests step, show test output (for now) (details)
  413. try running tests with venv (details)
  414. store /home/atench/.vscode-server/bin/fee1edb8d6d72a0ddff41e5f71a671c23ed924b9/bin/remote-cli:/home/atench/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/windows/system32:/mnt/c/windows:/mnt/c/windows/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/windows/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA NvDLISR:/mnt/c/Program Files/dotnet/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Git/cmd:/mnt/c/Program Files/HP/HP One Agent:/mnt/c/Users/adric/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Users/adric/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/snap/bin:/home/atench/.local/bin:/home/atench/mettalog/metta-wam to  after mettalog install (details)
  415. set xterm-256color and only run subset of tests (details)
  416. set xterm-256color in yml (details)
  417. print SHARED.UNITS (details)
  418. only run one test file (details)
  419. don't run tests for now (details)
  420. update auto-approve-action version (details)
  421. Run 1 test again to see output (details)
  422. to run one test you have to use --test (details)
  423. make test run timestamp available (details)
  424. include timestamp in junit.xml (details)
  425. removed some commented out code (details)
  426. include test time in junit.xml (details)
  427. track commit SHA and branch (details)
  428. disables editline for non-tty inputs (details)
  429. bash file fixes for stty issues (details)
  430. generate executor.json (details)
  431. bash file fixes for stty issues (details)
  432. include timestamps for test suites (details)
  433. tests/performance/knowledge_graphs/graphml (details)
  434. Docker towards (details)
  435. record_call_duration (details)
  436. Just for TeamSPOon Repo for 100 (details)
  437. lets assume the output path contains reports/ dir (details)
  438. INSTALL detects if on github actions and might use PPA (details)
  439. Detect Github (details)
  440. detect stdio (details)
  441. py_* trampolines (details)
  442. initial starts of py-* (details)
  443. copy_outter_venv (details)
  444. ensure_loaded(metta_python). (details)
  445. Added generation of WHOLE-TESTS. (details)
  446. gen_interp_stubs (details)
  447. renamed misplaced test files (details)
  448. py_is_module_unsafe (details)
  449. Needs not to be absolute and not relative to CWD (since tests like all .metta files change their local CWD at least while "loading" (details)
  450. intersection union subtraction repr parse (details)
  451. created scripts/ so nightly isnt storing it (details)
  452. fixed import-py! (details)
  453. disable overriding notrace/1 (details)
  454. skip over skipped files (details)
  455. py_is_py_dict (details)
  456. nightly ./scripts/ensure_venv (details)
  457. throw error if cant write units file (details)
  458. remove seconds string for SHARED.UNITS (details)
  459. less printing of 'Script is running inside a virtual environment' (details)
  460. runnning two tests and catting the locally ran tests (details)
  461. filter dotdirs from library (details)
  462. fixed many py_mcall -> py_ocall (details)
  463. needs to set METTALOG_OUTPUT (details)
  464. needs to set METTALOG_OUTPUT really (details)
  465. volatile(did_load_hyperon_module/0) (details)
  466. make scripts/ensure_venv less verbose and ensure its ran in the correct directory (details)
  467. hopefully less warnings toward #89 (details)
  468. workspace project files (details)
  469. !(rust! (superpose (1 (+ 1 1) 3))) works (details)
  470. workarround for the warning: Found file *.metta relative to the current working directory (details)
  471. get rid of copied venv that is probably using a whole different python anyways (details)
  472. === to be documented as well as ==== (details)
  473. sealing work in progress (details)
  474. sealing work in progress (details)
  475. remove startup warning  Found file  *.metta relative to the current working directory. (details)
  476. only gives output when needing to create venv (details)
  477. debuggable calls to rust (details)
  478. combine_term_l (details)
  479. cached_py_op (details)
  480. as_var (details)
  481. Higher Order pred-* set operations (details)
  482. variant_by_type (details)
  483. sealing work in progress, revision for recommended changes (details)
  484. remove unused files (details)
  485. removed more unused files (details)
  486. canary_docme (details)
  487. once_writeq_nl (details)
  488. nb_setval(self_space,MSpace) (details)
  489. include actual times in junit.xml (details)
  490. include run number in pages URL (details)
  491. Revert "include run number in pages URL" (details)
  492. remove previous junit handling (details)
  493. sealed updates for same_term (details)
  494. try using allure-report-action approach (details)
  495. update action version and tokens (details)
  496. include environment properties (details)
  497. pre-doc of  src/canary_docme/ (details)
  498. After PlDoc (details)
  499. try to separate nightly and ci tests (details)
  500. debugging subfolder param (details)
  501. debugging subfolder param (details)
  502. try different approach for setting subfolder (details)
  503. sealing work in progress continued (details)
  504. sealing work in progress continued (details)
  505. zeroth cut at lsp metta server package (details)
  506. slickedit project files (details)
  507. supply mettalog runtime to LSP server (details)
  508. Strart of type-cast foldl-atom (details)
  509. \!(get-type 'a') --> Char (details)
  510. fixed merge conflicts from 78e677b550b61baff07cfce190782aa95c607ea6 (details)
  511. functgor->functor (details)
  512. subst -> subst_same so it doesnt interfere with library versions (details)
  513. fixing an ealier commit that changed back  .github/workflows/ci.yml (details)
  514. Updates and fixes for tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity (details)
  515. temp workarround for slowness of tests that look into the inherited spaces (details)
  516. Add more environment info to tests (details)
  517. upfdate to nightly script (details)
  518. update to CI tests script (details)
  519. correctly pass the TIMEOUT (details)
  520. synth+unloaded (details)
  521. synth+loaded (details)
  522. removed executeCommandProvider from mettalog LSP (details)
  523. have stubs for all the LSP messages received so far (details)
  524. (if (== -> ->) True False) returning boolean now as well as both synthesize works as well as get-doc (details)
  525. Design Workaround for argument types Expression in (details)
  526. allow swi-prolog specific options to command line (details)
  527. add runtime docs for py-eval and py-list as well as argument types (details)
  528. feat: add support for -G option for MeTTa goals and clarify -s and -l usage for scripts (details)
  529. feat: add support for -S and -L options for MeTTa scripts and clarify usage of -s and -l options (details)
  530. fix: update mettalog script to add uppercase options to METTALOG_OPTIONS instead of SWI_OPTIONS (details)
  531. feat: update help output to include --time=debug and rename --eval= to --e= (details)
  532. removed docme files that were gettign stale (details)
  533. doc changes (details)
  534. sealing function ontology and test updates (details)
  535. Back to 90 (details)
  536. scripts/ scripts/ (details)
  537. 190|   24| 214|   88% | I  hyperon-experimental        | tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts | (details)
  538. 193|   21| 214|   90% | I  hyperon-experimental        | tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts | (details)
  539. minor change to sealing function description in ontology (details)
  540. first effort documenting (details)
  541. Delete comment try (details)
  542. Turn GC back on (details)
  543. documented (details)
  544. still working on LSP hover (details)
  545. test_spo_03_5000 (details)
  546. INSTALL_TYPE=jenkins_ci (details)
  547. ../../../Test-files.vpj (details)
  548. metta_persists (details)
  549. ensure_loaded(metta_parser). (details)
  550. In progress docme files from Douglas (details)
  551. began process of depricating/removing old reader (details)
  552. Begun fix for (details)
  553. Fix for (details)
  554. Actual file #115 (details)
  555. Handle codelists for #115 (details)
  556. fix for reader error neededing @arg Position The current /3 Term of the stream. and missing pred (details)
  557. baselien AR = 100% (details)
  558. show progress per test (details)
  559. fixed type that coused tests to fail (details)
  560. comment update (details)
  561. comment update (details)
  562. .answers files (details)
  563. fixed to pldoc entries (details)
  564. using a lambda in report_progress_so_far/4 (details)
  565. Update to CI to put valid links in test output (details)
  566. Probably fixes the broken repl that @royward was thiunking was the case (details)
  567. Runs all the baseline tets once again (details)
  568. only run nightly tests in main repo (details)
  569. Removal of unused (details)
  570. add defragmenter python program (details)
  571. metta_parser (details)
  572. file-level documentation for maplist! and concurrent-maplist! (details)
  573. doc and type declarations for maplist! and concurrent-maplist! (details)
  574. Docs and tests for findall! (details)
  575. comments added (details)
  576. comments (details)
  577. sexpr stuff working (but not annotated) (details)
  578. comments (details)
  579. fuller arities of maplist! concurrent-maplist! (details)
  580. making it easier to rename the compiler (details)
  581. towards and and (details)
  582. first real sync with in order to start and and (details)
  583. first divergence with with (details)
  584. for the python stuff (details)
  585. hyperonpy (details)
  586. hyperonpy (details)
  587. motto (details)
  588. (details)
  589. hyperonpy.py_less_free (details)
  590. remove the error/warnming about metta_reader (details)
  591. restored the tensor test result (details)
  592. src/canary/ allow block commentss -- no rule saying we cant have them in metta! (details)
  593. add to path python/ (details)
  594. load_metta_python_proxy (details)
  595. export METTALOG_VERBOSE=1 (details)
  596. fixed nondet bug in evql_40 (details)
  597. comments (details)
  598. comments (details)
  599. fixed pldocs (details)
  600. allow hyperon to not be fully installed (details)
  601. expand the default installed python packages (details)
  602. canary_docme/ (details)
  603. passing back to mike (details)
  604. passing back to mike for real this timed (details)
  605. catch/throw docs and tests (details)
  606. lsp changes (details)
  607. improved handling of file names (details)
  608. removed unused docmes (details)
  609. removed unused docme mizer (details)
  610. removed the ones i already merged into canary (details)
  611. mostly working, needs cleanup (details)
  612. minimal but working (very basic hover) LSP server (details)
  613. max-time! docs and tests (details)
  614. improved comments (details)
  615. small compile fixes (details)
  616. allows `source --force --easy --swi=src` (details)
  617. Remove torch/torchvision (details)
  618. remove metta_corelib (details)
  619. rest of remove metta_corelib (details)
  620. fixes to split document (details)
  621. stability improvements to LSP (two bugs cancelling out fixed) (details)
  622. Remove program (details)
  623. Comments added (details)
  624. libgoogle-perftools-dev : Depends: libunwind-dev (details)
  625. libgoogle-perftools-dev : Depends: libunwind-dev oopsy (details)
  626. Comments added (details)
  627. progress towards saving test report copies by number of failures (details)
  628. fixed lsp server so any splitting mode should work (details)
  629. src/canary/ (details)
  630. src/canary/ (details)
  631. py-exec (details)
  632. with_safe_argv (details)
  633. PlDoced patcher in corelib (details)
  634. (details)
  635. (details)
  636. remove debugging print in (details)
  637. progress to copying logs to new destination (details)
  638. copy test logs to new destination in (details)
  639. run all ci tests (details)
  640. src/canary/ (details)
  641. src/canary/ (details)
  642. src/canary/ (details)
  643. src/canary/ (details)
  644. Comments added, remove from docme (details)
  645. remove from docme (details)
  646. fixes due to docs pfc (details)
  647. fixes due to docs pfc (details)
  648. Fix: Adjust determinism annotations in (details)
  649. Enhancement: Load pldoc library in (details)
  650. Fix: Add quietly_sreader/1 predicate in (details)
  651. Refactor: Update with new threading logic (details)
  652. Enhancement: Add Enum and improve error handling in (details)
  653. Feature: Implement maplist meta-predicates and add dynamic predicates in (details)
  654. src/canary/ (details)
  655. disable the patcher (details)
  656. fixes due to docs pfc (details)
  657. Fixes to some of the PLDocs (details)
  658. Added Prolog transpilation comments and assertTrue functional predicate. (details)
  659. Refactored mettalogpy_repl and added maybe_load_metta_python_patcher logic. (details)
  660. Changed determinism annotations for lookup_spft_match and lookup_spft_match_deeper. (details)
  661. Added lazy loading for Metta Python proxy and refactored initialization logic. (details)
  662. comments (details)
  663. comments (details)
  664. metta_python_override (details)
  665. VSPACE_VERBOSE -> METTALOG_VERBOSE,  nonlocal submode, '@'('none')) (details)
  666. dynamically define my_module (details)
  667. ~/metta-wam/src/canary$ python (details)
  668. ~/metta-wam/src/canary$ python (details)
  669. ~/metta-wam/src/canary$ python (details)
  670. comments (details)
  671. handle_method_call (details)
  672. Handle get_* methods (details)
  673. Handle get_name methods (details)
  674. tests/docs for limit! (details)
  675. comments (details)
  676. janus_swi.query_once (details)
  677. new utf8/utf16 character stuff _mostly_ working (details)
  678. fixed warnings (details)
  679. no module (details)
  680. comments (details)
  681. remove compiler changes (details)
  682. change fix, turned off some debugging (details)
  683. docs/tests for call! and call-string! (details)
  684. working on readme (details)
  685. image (details)
  686. Update (details)
  687. Update (details)
  688. hybrid of old and new compiler (details)
  689. o_f_v (details)
  690. Adjusted oo_new/3 to reuse objects based on Type and 'value' field (details)
  691. Adjusted oo_new/3 to reuse objects based on Type and 'value' field, matching all other fields (details)
  692. Slightly more OOP in Prolog (details)
  693. src/canary/ (details)
  694. better overriding (details)
  695. do_metta(stdio,+,'&self',String,Result) (details)
  696. comments (details)
  697. refactored the files (details)
  698. comments (details)
  699. comments (details)
  700. comments (details)
  701. comments (details)
  702. catchup on python/hyperon/exts (details)
  703. back towards previous metta_repl (details)
  704. dont claim hyperonpy (details)
  705. allow actual escape characters (details)
  706. removed time\! and replaced with time/wall-time/cpu-time also properly implemented  as per bug report (details)
  707. do not quit on comment in input (details)
  708. oops this belonged in the last commit -notrace(G):- once(G). (details)
  709. fix for (details)
  710. really fixed (details)
  711. GDL  tests/features/games/ (details)
  712. docs for number-of (details)
  713. docs/tests for offset! (details)
  714. Update (details)
  715. the  and   enviroment variables mean quit a bit to SWI-Prolog! (details)
  716. Pretend for now we have a nondeterministic sig_atomic (details)
  717. Handle mostly blank lines (details)
  718. Dont mess with envrioment more thna we have to (details)
  719. Faster/sounder Tuple check (details)
  720. simplify the pretty printer (details)
  721. py-chain Impl .. still needs do0cs and test (details)
  722. py-chain Impl .. still needs do0cs and test (details)
  723. with_enc (details)
  724. -    throw(i_loaded_this) (details)
  725. Update (details)
  726. update doc on setup-call-cleanup! (details)
  727. comments (details)
  728. comments (details)
  729. python (details)
  730. quietly checking if requirements are still met (details)
  731. python stuff added to .gitignore (details)
  732. snapshot (details)
  733. comments (details)
  734. Update to LSP Server about the vsce packaging (details)
  735. Removed lines breakign the LSP Server (details)
  736. Fixed py_nth (details)
  737. Update analyse to a Table and after CSV (details)
  738. Update5 to try to come in sync (details)
  739. begun the help! / get-doc interface that will work via the repl (details)
  740. predicate_help_fallback_hook/4 (details)
  741. Impl if-decons-expr (details)
  742. Forgotten code to unbreka the LSP Server (details)
  743. fixed line issues in LSP (details)
  744. reverts (details)
  745. Add py-chain docs (details)
  746. make_metta_file_buffer plus --help (details)
  747. make_metta_file_buffer plus 2 (details)
  748. trace_on_pass (details)
  749. show function src (details)
  750. Write the full source content if it's complex (details)
  751. recover from stream errors durring input (details)
  752. allow read over multiple lines (details)
  753. allow stream_error/2s to be caught differntly than program errors (details)
  754. reference links (details)
  755. File ref links working (details)
  756. allow type links.. make sure the help! command runs under a  flag (details)
  757. Fixed allow type links.. make sure the help! command runs under a  flag (details)
  758. split by clause (details)
  759. split by clause, save some metadata (details)
  760. add comments (details)
  761. remove bad venvs (details)
  762. Slighhtly less torent to problems (details)
  763. Could NOT find LibYAML (missing: LIBYAML_INCLUDE_DIR YAML_LIBRARY) (details)
  764. install_swi_from_src restores direcotry in failure (details)
  765. dont print success message twice (details)
  766. try to source the from Dockerfile (details)
  767. renamed:    src/canary/ -> src/packs/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (details)
  768. dbg_server_thread (details)
  769. quick python compare for testing (details)
  770. better line number tracking (details)
  771. first cut of documentSymbol in which makes a vscode outline sheet (details)
  772. add comments (details)
  773. fixed line ending issue that was messing with didChange, and an escaped character in string issue (details)
  774. element -> outline (details)
  775. xref_source_expired (details)
  776. type_kind (details)
  777. populate variablke names (details)
  778. docs/tests for hyperpose, sequential, and do (details)
  779. allow for late definition to be evaluated (details)
  780. add comments (details)
  781. add comments (details)
  782. set default src_indents to false (details)
  783. run recompile from debug server by jsut pressing enter (details)
  784. Export clause_with_arity_in_file_at_position/4 in LSP Server (details)
  785. add comments (details)
  786. add comments (details)
  787. syntax highlighting (details)
  788. hacky threading system as well as refernces/definition provers etc (details)
  789. begining of codeActions (details)
  790. Pre worker pool (details)
  791. update docs for Minimal MeTTa functions (details)
  792. lsp_worker_threads(0) (details)
  793. anonymous QueueId (details)
  794. add comments (details)
  795. add comments (details)
  796. improved syntax highlighting (details)
  797. add comments (details)
  798. @doc for Bool (details)
  799. Group declarations by type (details)
  800. do not halt on metta>@ (details)
  801. get rid of extra_answer_padding (details)
  802. buffer the answer outpout into temp file but will change to becoem a memfile (details)
  803. in_answer_io using memfile isntead of disk (details)
  804. handle_catcher(exit) :- ! (details)
  805. added missing old code (details)
  806. removed that elusive choice point (details)
  807. Fixed Syntax error: duplicate_key expected, found "codeActionProvider" (details)
  808. dont double print answers (details)
  809. fixed typo (details)
  810. moved codeAction to its own file .. it is about to get very busy otherwise.. change the metta_file_buffer/5 structure to keep a range rather than a single position (details)
  811. added two missing preds (details)
  812. update_changed_files (details)
  813. Fix for (details)
  814. add comments (details)
  815. Only compute actions for symbols right now (details)
  816. using new metta_file_buffer/7 and a buch of LSP Additions (details)
  817. really using new metta_file_buffer/7 (details)
  818. canary really using new metta_file_buffer/7 (details)
  819. Fixed outline_name/2 (details)
  820. better ordinal (details)
  821. add comments (details)
  822. crazy outline (details)
  823. was_end/2 (details)
  824. src/comp_werks (details)
  825. Fixed the loading of stdlib_mettalog for now (details)
  826. add comments (details)
  827. docs for eval-for and compile! (details)
  828. add comments (details)
  829. clarify prolog mode (details)
  830. checkpoint for lsp #0 (details)
  831. isolate doc_text_d4 from doc_text which is full text (details)
  832. updates to LSP server and mettalog that are required for the LSP Server (details)
  833. Back to almost working version of compiler (details)
  834. allow errors and warning rather than silently doing nothing as the clause above would have done (details)
  835. comments added (details)
  836. comments added (details)
  837. src/canary/ (details)
  838. Comp works (details)
  839. super_safety_checks + on_mettalog_error (details)
  840. super_safety_checks + on_mettalog_error (details)
  841. comments added (details)
  842. Use scripts/ in (details)
  843. +LINK_TARGET="$HOME/metta-wam/src/packs/lsp_server_metta" (details)
  844. move super_safety_checks/1 to (details)
  845. src/comp_werks2 (details)
  846. @jazzbox35 commenting merged to src/comp_werks2 (details)
  847. symlink rest of the pack dirs (details)
  848. remove pldoc warnings (details)
  849. ideally settings will be sent with initialize (details)
  850. LSP Server experimental settings (details)
  851. Ok, evidently only metta-lsp.trace.server gets sent on changes (details)
  852. Ok, evidently only metta-lsp.trace.server gets sent on changes so trying only two settings.. also bumping version to 0.0.4 (details)
  853. comments added (details)
  854. comments added (details)
  855. comments added (details)
  856. comments added (details)
  857. comments added (details)
  858. comments added (details)
  859. Merge of the into (details)
  860. src/canary/ (details)
  861. hyperon-wam.vpj (details)
  862. start of thread LSP server (details)
  863. do_work_stuff(QueueId) (details)
  864. Update (details)
  865. comments added (details)
  866. comments added (details)
  867. compile, compile-space tests & docs (details)
  868. eval-for docs & tests (details)
  869. Update install so it doesnt terminate github workflow (details)
  870. Fix syntax error in (missing then in if) (details)
  871. better resolution in setup scripts for LINK_TARGET (details)
  872. dont use prolog_ide(debug_monitor) (details)
  873. function-arity, predicate-arity docs & tests (details)
  874. comments added (details)
  875. docs/tests for call-p! (details)
  876. fixed duplicate predicates in interpreter (details)
  877. Moved ther threaded/queueing code to its own section (details)
  878. lsp_hooks:code_action (details)
  879. better eval_metta (details)
  880. lsp_hooks:exec_code_action + answer_output is no longer using a temp file (it uses a memfile) (details)
  881. comments added (details)
  882. src/packs/lsp_server_metta/lsp-metta.el (details)
  883. more moving to compiler prefix (details)
  884. get rid of fixme messages (details)
  885. comments added (details)
  886. nthx case mostly working (details)
  887. lsp_server_requests (details)
  888. Our request listener hooks monitor these on their own (details)
  889. Fix for Dockerfile needs modification to run without errors #185 (details)
  890. remove temp files (details)
  891. tests/docs for open, close, with-output-to (details)
  892. comments added (details)
  893. docs for load-file, load-ascii (details)
  894. docs for include! (details)
  895. vscode-extra-settings (details)
  896. fetch_workspace_configuration (details)
  897. cleaned up check_supporting_predicates, added transpiler_mutex_lock (details)
  898. fix u_assign replacement (details)
  899. std debug for prolog (details)
  900. sync lsp config (details)
  901. comments added (details)
  902. x (details)
  903. package.json (details)
  904. x (details)
  905. comments added (details)
  906. x (details)
  907. x (details)
  908. x (details)
  909. always_rethrow('canceled') (details)
  910. comments added (details)
  911. basic execution (details)
  912. basic execution (details)
  913. update doc strings for load functions (details)
  914. needing to prefix  user:metta_file_buffer (details)
  915. tests/docs for save-space! (details)
  916. removed unneeded unicode (details)
  917. docs for rust, rust! (details)
  918. Emacs does return a Client Configuration List (details)
  919. x (details)
  920. x (details)
  921. comments added (details)
  922. Lower impredicence of stdlib in diff tool (details)
  923. added docs to 10 new functiosn.. @todo their impl (details)
  924. added missing head_preconds_into_body/4 (details)
  925. expirery (details)
  926. fibonacci working (details)
  927. 17 more functions (details)
  928. comments added (details)
  929. x (details)
  930. x (details)
  931. to address where caught exception is bubbling too far upwards (details)
  932. Way more stdlib docs (details)
  933. really should have a hover that lets us see precompiled MeTTa (details)
  934. assertNotEqualToResult+assertNotEqual (details)
  935. Setwise operations being implemented in MeTTa instead of backend! (details)
  936. Stream errors now tell us where the error started not where the end of file is (details)
  937. fixed unballenced paren (details)
  938. x (details)
  939. impletements the usage: metta [-h] [--version | MeTTa script] functions so we can also do (details)
  940. Makes it pass 4 more minimal metta tests (details)
  941. GPT-4 rust extract ... (details)
  942. comments added (details)
  943. get-type-space (details)
  944. got rid of naughty simple_math/1 call happening early (details)
  945. comments added (details)
  946. got format-args working, added missing file (details)
  947. sub module updates and better cache file time checking (details)
  948. load_flybase_with_size (details)
  949. only push a report of the test results have changed (details)
  950. nb_bound needs to be slighnly more permisive (details)
  951. use current_test_results.txt (details)
  952. always publish some of the artifacts (details)
  953. always save the state in git repo (details)
  954. fix double used 'if' (details)
  955. fixed discontiguous warning (details)
  956. fixed fatal: a branch named 'test-results' already exists (details)
  957. checkout  'test-results' to a subdir and use it (details)
  958. added small bits of forward chaining to corelib (details)
  959. :run less tests while debugging script (details)
  960. try again (details)
  961. removed double ifd (details)
  962. removed double ifs (details)
  963. ensure just-results exists (details)
  964. ensure just-results exists now (details)
  965. Ping for rebuild (details)
  966. Ping for rebuild 2 (details)
  967. Ping for rebuild 3 (details)
  968. Ping for rebuild 4 (details)
  969. Ping for rebuild 5 (details)
  970. Ping for rebuild 6 (details)
  971. impl and doc of the 27 new preds (details)
  972. forward chaining the math op types (details)
  973. CI WF (details)
  974. pow-math (details)
  975. added _mw to test files that specifically wont be expected to work in hyperon (details)
  976. comments added (details)
  977. comments added (details)
  978. partial docs and implementation for coerce (details)
  979. don't run nightly tests on forks (details)
  980. list_vs_term_syntax_mw.metta (details)
  981. portray_compound_l_m_r (details)
  982. corisponding commit to (details)
  983. add call-fn! doc and using if-decons-expr for easier code compare to minimal metta (details)
  984. Testing `predicate-arity` and `function-arity` (details)
  985. Update docs for `predicate-arity` and `function-arity` (details)
  986. HE issues into tests (details)
  987. Add .gitattributes to force .metta files as text (details)
  988. x (details)
  989. Lots of hooks (details)
  990. Lots of hooks (details)
  991. Still need to make the callbacks file load (details)
  992. re-run-file (details)
  993. toplevel_form -> toplevel (details)
  994. quote the json (details)
  995. start of nqueebs explaiantion (details)
  996. !(pragma! interpreter bare-minimal) (details)
  997. Fixed a typo thaqt was making assertEqualToResult appear twice" (details)
  998. Sometimes its nice to have the output of the transpiler shown in a file (details)
  999. Sometimes its nice to have the output of the transpiler shown in a (details)
  1000. Sometimes its nice to have the output of the transpiler shown in a (details)
  1001. metta_runtime (details)
  1002. non_empty_atom (details)
  1003. output_language (details)
  1004. :- dynamic(enabled_log_progress/0). (details)
  1005. testing updates (details)
  1006. remove time/1 from startup (details)
  1007. removed unused (details)
  1008. settings and prolog directory (details)
  1009. intial loader files (details)
  1010. getting to startup (details)
  1011. the (details)
  1012. ideally lsp server almost loads (details)
  1013. lsp server mostly works again (details)
  1014. comments added (details)
  1015. answer-output (details)
  1016. Attic Sync (details)
  1017. Attic Sync 2 (details)
  1018. sync to (details)
  1019. split out pfc debug (details)
  1020. fixed ERROR: /home/deb12user/metta-wam/prolog/metta_lang/ Syntax error: Operator expected (details)
  1021. added indenting to test pass/fail (details)
  1022. Attempt to address by putting the update and the package installs as one docker layer.. there could been problems if someone has previous cached layers (details)
  1023. tests/zebra/ (details)
  1024. zebra5_no_states.metta (details)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was addednotebooks/from_das/.ipynb_checkpoints/SimplePatternMiner-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/Thinking_Recursively_in_MeTTa.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/FlySpace-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/images/stepper_debugger.png
The file was addednotebooks/metta_ex02.ipynb
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiednotebooks/from_das/QueryFlyBase.ipynb (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/metta_ex01-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/MeTTa_Lang.ipynb
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/from_das/.ipynb_checkpoints/QueryDAS-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/from_das/.ipynb_checkpoints/QueryFlyBase-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/Addendum-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/Addendum.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/Tensorflow.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/Quick_Introduction_to_MeTTa.ipynb
The file was addedscripts/7-FlybaseResults.metta
The file was modifiednotebooks/notebook-pyswip-tests.ipynb (diff)
The file was addedscripts/8-FlybaseQuestions.metta
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiednotebooks/from_das/SimplePatternMiner.ipynb (diff)
The file was addedscripts/metta-jupyter-kernel-debug
The file was addednotebooks/RM_Transformation.ipynb
The file was modifiednotebooks/from_das/QueryDAS.ipynb (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/images/logo-64x64.png
The file was addedpython/kernel.json
The file was addednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/Reference_Guide-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/metta_ex01.ipynb
The file was addedpython/
The file was modifiedscripts/6-Learn-Flybase-Full.metta (diff)
The file was modifiednotebooks/from_das/LoadKnowledgeBase.ipynb (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/Reference_Guide.ipynb
The file was addednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/metta_ex02-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was modifiedscripts/5-Learn-Flybase.metta (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/Quick_Introduction_to_MeTTa-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was modifiednotebooks/notebook-obonet.ipynb (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/from_das/.ipynb_checkpoints/LoadKnowledgeBase-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was addedscripts/metta-jupyter-kernel
The file was addednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/MeTTa_Lang-checkpoint.ipynb
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was addednotebooks/FlySpace.ipynb
The file was modifiedscripts/6-Learn-Flybase-Full.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/5-Learn-Flybase.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/5-Learn-Flybase.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/6-Learn-Flybase-Full.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was addedscripts/
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedsetup.soon (diff)
Commit da1cf9b67ba4954d3080b277c09c4f659ed4ff36 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 5b46258741e0300ed9a44895f1c63302177d37e9 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 11ca1b91ddfdac86598378fb864915f4a7f82643 by Douglas R Miles
fixed scripts/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/1-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/5-Learn-Flybase.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/6-Learn-Flybase-Full.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 98e3575b041d69012b1deefc12617dab397e6684 by Douglas R Miles
begining of the command debugger
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/7-FlybaseResults.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/2-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/8-FlybaseQuestions.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/7-FlybaseResults.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/1-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 4610e9940515c5a5290f5bae4adcc699850354ad by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 62c029387d1bf3bad720c2abdd4939766ce7280e by Douglas R Miles
metta_vspace/pyswip/ 2
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 2f40fc1a2d5707d6b14b4d0fa9a95d766000207d by Douglas R Miles
all 14 on examples/compat/hyperon-experimental/python/tests/scripts/d1_gadt.metta
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was added.Attic/rust-wam/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/rust-wam/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_prelude.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_prelude.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
Commit b421d82417d81a6ef58e5e2f6b03a9b82b5c86e3 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_prelude.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 74948163c4def3822e6d6105a2400f78d0c09e81 by Douglas R Miles
The file was added.Attic/base/
Commit 14c8615abd70f9c1cdf7ebcf9e3fd83c89ae9688 by Douglas R Miles
The file was added.Attic/base/
Commit 79988efc109134e1880e81308344225a9c6a10bd by Douglas R Miles
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was added.Attic/base/metta_eval.old
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_prelude.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit d482de261320621ef094b452d33184d69e6fd306 by Douglas R Miles
 187|    24|    88%| reports/cuRRent/interp_00/hyperon-experimental_scripts
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_prelude.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 3681c5168022994772d139ba7724041d334a7139 by Douglas R Miles
Fixed flybase snaitry tests
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/7-FlybaseResults.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/2-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 48b4f90a5d05f0ceeebb5e61f6d8a49778e44dc4 by Douglas R Miles
better concurancy exmaples
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 680aa0ad78cb01f543159f5e644ff9d114593811 by Douglas R Miles
implemented hyperpose as: eval_40(Eq,RetType,Depth,Self,['hyperpose',ArgL1],ResL):- \!, concurrent_maplist(eval(Eq,RetType,Depth,Self),ArgL1,ResL).
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit a351c7b3b3dcb69a4203a1fe01c2e7de578a9924 by Douglas R Miles
exceeds baseline sliughtly
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/7-FlybaseResults.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/8-FlybaseQuestions.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 9b8c55c12fece309270202d058519332850a2425 by Douglas R Miles
Queries for flybase testing
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/8-FlybaseQuestions.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/8-FlybaseQuestions.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 6f22241c1f7046c8bfd401342e9d9a84b50afa02 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/8-FlybaseQuestions.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 78c6566bec8a87bc9e8760ec549adfd30a9a1884 by Douglas R Miles
new some differnt backup versions in GIT
The file was added.Attic/base/metta_subst.bk
The file was added.Attic/base/metta_eval.prev
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
Commit 5c56c97e2f91fb8d0198bd4b29e7e4701dc1f491 by Douglas R Miles
epxlains how the script mods their system
The file was (diff)
Commit 7a6b8e289d201a90d00c3b977244c1f397071307 by Douglas R Miles
grab package from git now
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 0622ad4847ac76856a6ac3a9593d4e2cf91438a4 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit be2969a91eaf8834afdc258007eda6dbc94ebf52 by Douglas R Miles
cvorrectly evals or not the arguments
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 9395fd7c75991661f446d82e4480749dffdaed0c by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removedscripts/2-VSpaceTest.metta
Commit 574326d6b540f1cda921c9f5b0f5b09558332b9d by Douglas R Miles
restored accidental deleteion
The file was addedscripts/2-VSpaceTest.metta
Commit 86bf51baa591052a4c4c223190a0e1c2b593ffa0 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit b03c0b029a6c4250cd2ed62e90b641b4baf86b12 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was
Commit 275d4d27d7cf478e32c129ead6ea4b766a497f16 by Douglas R Miles
huge just in unit test results
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 51a2324450d7883b57417994485b61c93e24ef22 by GitHub
omg.. that mispelling has caused a problem :)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 2c87972c99b0dafb1fbd46bda70f52355d9a38d0 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 0791e37ec70255ebd991eef5b5005821a10f8ad9 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 2d0890141f263bace5a71e6ad636867396a3d942 by Douglas R Miles
ssl error should not be deadly
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 5346121a580807d5a4b7a7de9ecd7f00d62d1fa8 by Douglas R Miles
define current_self/1 earlier
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit b16c046ebbd43a217aabcb3588d97d5a60c33b40 by Douglas R Miles
by default use the fast reader
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/1-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/stdlib.metta
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/repl.default.metta
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/init.default.metta
Commit e6ed62d9d99a4f3cb49b193820fe4396f46364f9 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit d476bee27bb9a08db608ca4baca8ddbab9411919 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit c5a9175ef036dccf45dbc7cfa7de745449590e04 by Nil Geisweiller
Add Dockerfile to build docker image with MeTTaLog in it
The file was addedDockerfile
Commit 296b6e77401f37e801c261849a2aef7a8ec64d2f by Nil Geisweiller
Add section about docker in the
The file was (diff)
Commit 203794526e0a153cc5101ce1a2a3e24008b5629e by Douglas R Miles
mettalog is runfromdocker scrip
The file was addedmettalog
The file was added.dockerignore
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
Commit 2b604809add387017047a309a3c05e0009ce155c by Douglas R Miles
local development might need these changes without commiting
The file was modified.dockerignore (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit 62275af8ff05325e7d9d08fc4152a6f5fbff674b by Douglas R Miles
update to how tests/debug runs
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 4ffeea2247353034b31b92e4c1c10e0e7c171b3b by Douglas R Miles
make sure that ctrl-c works
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
Commit 268f7b2a6726257cd4411add6a681956ea2e8f4c by Douglas R Miles
update to allow more compiler use and 2-way translation
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit dc9dddfcfe8a657b575516c5f60d8a3c024e22d6 by Douglas R Miles
fixed the  examples/python_compat/janus/ tests
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit b723efaa182c83c70aa613ef2e397ddafd9a3411 by Douglas R Miles
usign a python function registry
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit af7d14a632597c25c2dd1e1a9a3694bdc030ee93 by Douglas R Miles
MeTTa --compile=full examples/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/fibo_hang.metta  runs !(fibo 80) in 2.24 milliseconds
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 49ffae40aebd41ad2259310689ef425069210874 by Douglas R Miles
compile much closer tro rust output.. commitin since it fix other bugs
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedMeTTa (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedscripts/1-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modified.dockerignore (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/Rebuild-hyperon.cmd
The file was modifiedMeTTa
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/5-Learn-Flybase.metta (diff)
The file was addedscripts/mettalog-python
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was addedscripts/mettalog-docker
The file was (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
Commit 4e46190df20299a60c60c943467ddf0be801421c by Douglas R Miles
almost like the real thing
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was (diff)
Commit 0d03299f5c939549e498d44e6b0daefc3c33b127 by Douglas R Miles
dont print executing wtice to log
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 11bdc6477dcfc081f6ce070f33e2335b1bd357e0 by Douglas R Miles
 time mettalog examples/performance/comparisons/fibo_hang_900.metta

real    0m1.638s
user    0m1.607s
sys     0m0.054s
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 5263fdaebc3845fac86b2cac0ac290b8578ebd11 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit f74a416f8e693487c21ff17fe97ca24e1ba93f94 by Douglas R Miles
 time mettalog examples/performance/comparisons/fibo_hang_arg1.metta --args 111111 ;; in 7 seconds
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit b67ef176a258c0dc5398df767b912d9cdc0be662 by Douglas R Miles
git checkout bb49b80c423ea93a9ccfd259d593d35690a8e0ef metta_vspace/pyswip/ -f
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 31ca2f74e117604e6c16baa15bbb72c09eade785 by Douglas R Miles
no longer need swi-prologs pack system since sometimes its down
The file was addedscripts/
The file was (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/.gitignore
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit ac743e6e5051ecba6213cf748a662e3b53072163 by Douglas R Miles
testing docker so need this commited
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 1379088bd236ffd391fc0aeb48942d80169c6c5a by Douglas R Miles
testing docker so need this commited 23
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit c42da5425000492b089ad1feda4a8914065dd095 by Douglas R Miles
testing docker so need this commited 234
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit e67fbad00ed221c5ab180adacc8b8d1a3fb2612b by Douglas R Miles
Needing to add in packages so can be maintained with instlalation site
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The file was addedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/xlisting/pixmaps/selected/img/search.svg
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The file was addedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/.github/workflows/google.yml
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The file was addedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/
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The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
Commit 017c43c2a2f7d6e8b50cfd02761b1e939435d145 by Douglas R Miles
#2 this is a bit of extra that dint make it in
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit f6ed1d098cd9c672d52becfd77d811fd7b9f03d7 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.dockerignore (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 1e7fb165e5a04834cab8bc470703858e66d05078 by Douglas R Miles
really got #2 fixed maybe
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit 60d99d91760297f5914df3c718f69bdf375dc163 by Douglas R Miles
update for metta-examples
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/mettalog-python (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
Commit c268ada421855cbcd91bf44b8401ff10b2ea9a4e by Douglas R Miles
pre-canary pre-development
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/metta_prelude.metta
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
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The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/metta_subst.bk
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/init.default.metta
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.old
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/repl.default.metta
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/metta_eval.prev
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/stdlib.metta
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/metta_prelude.metta
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/metta_subst.bk
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/repl.default.metta
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/metta_eval.old
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/init.default.metta
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.prev
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/stdlib.metta
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/repl.default.metta
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/metta_subst.bk
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/metta_prelude.metta
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/metta_eval.old
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/metta_eval.prev
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/init.default.metta
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/1-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modified.dockerignore (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsetup.soon (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/ (diff)
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiednotebooks/notebook-obonet.ipynb (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/3-Learn-Rules.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/7-FlybaseResults.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/2-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/mettalog-docker (diff)
The file was modifiednotebooks/FlySpace.ipynb (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiednotebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/FlySpace-checkpoint.ipynb (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/mettalog-python (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/4-VSpaceTest.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/5-Learn-Flybase.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/8-FlybaseQuestions.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/6-Learn-Flybase-Full.metta (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was
The file was
Commit c698c5238f692031a70a5dd45a325a9794fa9e32 by Douglas R Miles
restore building of hyerponpy
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit fbbbdfb1a2c4f358b5e21e36f1aa060230248137 by Douglas R Miles
towards file-output.metta
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 53eed79c66ce78ee2019a21c0fd79f8fafe11cd8 by Douglas R Miles
fix for curried chain.. but back to the old IO
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/metta_eval.old (diff)
Commit dc14f31c64a93b7d6bddcea46e17a04fc2db9ad3 by Douglas R Miles
interp restored.. now eval is remaining
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 072396a7879458d51a35a8500bc4bb7f21b6b839 by Douglas R Miles
interp is now restored but eval is remaining
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 3e077e476f31a695cc251f3c9bd129510a682d88 by Douglas R Miles
fixes for curried forward chainer
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
Commit c699bc14a8a04e059bd7fe16691fdc273378aec2 by Douglas R Miles
added a quick docs/;
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was addeddocs/
Commit 04d6489b11b4a97f3ef85c2db8e81f9c5efd2516 by Douglas R Miles
quick blurb about the methodology
The file was modifieddocs/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
Commit ded509fdc6423036baf8a2d5103236d3e6a2b6d8 by Douglas R Miles
writing check in documentaiton the a** doith cash
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifieddocs/ (diff)
Commit 19d5b097439b3021470a65be637498decdcedc27 by Douglas R Miles
Rename from hyperon-wam to metta-log
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit fc97685f1c6e334be28e09666815933bf4f78884 by GitHub

Make readme get straight to the point
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 07ef3ec11ada9034e587bf3f901df608f8f21121 by Douglas R Miles
updates to fix the spam debug that made tmpMatch.metta hard for debug .. next commit hopefully fixes the failure
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was added.Attic/interp/init.default.metta
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was addedmettalog.cmd
The file was added.Attic/interp/repl.default.metta
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/interp/stdlib.metta
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 56a66f076ddff77d57ee53ad4ede4dbc732006f4 by Douglas R Miles
update from hyperon-experimental
The file was modified.Attic/main/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedrequirements.txt (diff)
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was addedhyperon-wam.vpj
The file was addedhyperon-wam.vpw
Commit b1fe8e35521d4266f47da7b89d50c932fcc4f13d by Douglas R Miles
supprt for catch/throw and function/return , update on how conversion files are found
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 60b57fce1bac94dbc717be128e21f8a90e4347a0 by Douglas R Miles
corrected trace\! .. updated translator
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/main/
Commit 5aafc82f379bae71b4815c98399d9b2e1051e5b9 by Douglas R Miles
returning %Undefined% for non-typed symbols
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit f3f0c9a187ed69ce2d3f174a43901ac07b3c0b22 by Douglas R Miles
alighn ',' with real metta
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 4a0ba8570014635af5da5160acb4365e38665640 by Douglas R Miles
alighn ',' with real metta this time
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/.gitignore
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 1e9581fe605d6b0de0f096d0162f79201f4e4915 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit f12cd6b0880e50801c641ae94365c78963591f2d by Douglas R Miles
update of scripts including mettalog
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 84edd710fc32cf971d408306920e3c39f35ca10a by Douglas R Miles
Update the test result links
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit ef3dea0ea90582e2989be51dfb7b257d53390314 by Douglas R Miles
Stricter verison of  ideally to avoid weirdness liek in MeTTa-NARS
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
Commit 0e515c95bd5684ed72c2132b5deb35cedb857479 by Douglas R Miles
fix some io issues where perious optut ios being created also one unit test fix a mispelling
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 98b5be18c70ab3848fbb8340863a00a24b251a2f by Douglas R Miles
better printing of empty values
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 86ed92ab90e0b0495f5d0809fc7dbc02773ccd4e by Douglas R Miles
decide to locate the shared test results
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/version-config
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 4a939c9f8eb99db9a6943f1924b88e93f645ab69 by Douglas R Miles
set cananry for devleopment
The file was modified.Attic/version-config (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/version-config (diff)
Commit 92523e9c93e48ea154aa26661c6782b8d1231b17 by Douglas R Miles
set update main now that is is stable
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 34f4fbfa939b875c347f6af257d922843ee74e91 by Douglas R Miles
Big fixes to compiler .. also a rename of non atom api top symbol api
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e618f7cc239c7efc819e644f398d5f16159ad7b4 by Douglas R Miles
rename of non atom api top symbol api
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit f303e65c1e0aa01136f2bd6b22a29f97fc26641b by Douglas R Miles
test_in_metta allows interuptions now
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit a6d1045c65aba4f4062ed03dd2e5dabf1f781046 by Douglas R Miles
update long development code
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/development/
Commit 07e88970280c70546c8c3fd055ecfe69fefbce3f by Douglas R Miles
updates for baseline tests
The file was removed.Attic/development/
Commit cdff4ab2ba90ec6253d2e2c594025f10f052fbbf by Douglas R Miles
Added by Visual Studio Code
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
Commit e784641feb2696c648c0347f3823608b5157ae37 by Douglas R Miles
compiler at 38% on mettamorph tests
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addeddocs/
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6e0bc2e2fc403cb735135aa0a1c7e614b8610217 by Douglas R Miles
 tests/compiler/nars/main-branch/ are the canonical tests for the compiler
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit dcc24eec31c52b1674d9a71fb10b61a1d6c21e43 by Douglas R Miles
removed singleton and dicontiguous warning
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c4b7f3dabc8b9446b327b5c27e5886a5e3100940 by Douglas R Miles
allow compiler to push limits of depth and even eval to nonvar
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 68d516e81b9126ed01bacebad9948698b47a6e8d by Douglas R Miles
will compile all functions that have their types declared - since some break in the compiler has bugs, you may declare these  (: MyFunction Interpeted) to disable compilation
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7bc9c0584f295c749ecf896d9520fad62b74cf2c by Douglas R Miles
using $rettag for function return
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 64620b1c16506e7148184ff8322f075ba8b15f7a by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 465dd603d63c611c6811b0aeaed7590943d5beca by Douglas R Miles
fixes for @hedra s use of curried backchainer
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/logicmoo/ (diff)
Commit b9ac5eea97996c75ff4730da256fad47de2de41b by Douglas R Miles
removed singleton warnings
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ea411ab9b0e40dbd2aeddf2f88e627f8f40190cf by Douglas R Miles
add 2 levels of indexing via s2t
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit acc0a7c041c35907e6665c3cc3fbea0e1d05ea61 by Douglas R Miles
one last fix for metta reader to more gracefully know when somehntingt is a comment
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6075d3230b77af01ddd093afc48d75b9c9a60097 by Douglas R Miles
update space size calculations, slighlty deeper index for type declarations
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit d222dc394d683a30032c01106df6dbeb1e7f74cf by Douglas R Miles
Main is better than Canary Again
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 0a7ea7ed43badd0debc1fa8aa73b3f752bf76713 by Douglas R Miles
no regression yet .. incremetnally working our way forward
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/development/metta_subst.bk
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/metta_subst.bk
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/main/metta_subst.bk
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was (diff)
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was removed.Attic/
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was addedpython/mettalog/
The file was removed.Attic/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/base/metta_subst.bk
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/mettalog/
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was removedpython/mettalog/
The file was removedpython/mettalog/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/mettalog/
The file was added.Attic/mettalog/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was removedpython/mettalog/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was added.Attic/mettalog/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was added.Attic/ext/
The file was removedpython/mettalog/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/metta_eval.old
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was removed.Attic/base/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/metta_eval.prev
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/metta_subst.bk
The file was modified.Attic/.gitignore (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_3/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
Commit d50038746baf15afed3eae71aa9224456a6390cf by Douglas R Miles
plz merge base into canary
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 31c2bdb6034ed1ef6d5a7e842be5d1bba9b5d8d3 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7ebc6afdf3d63c048719567d9fa262c2fa94951c by Douglas R Miles
getting farther on MeTTa-NARS
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 94deab22277791adb0307809e00f1d8f1c1d3cc7 by Douglas R Miles
added test scripts to produce html report
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
Commit 3e2f74f6ebaa1368390a8e7c78c4d8fc6321116a by Douglas R Miles
compiler works on backchainer!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/development/
The file was removed.Attic/development/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/development/metta_eval.prev
The file was removed.Attic/development/
The file was removed.Attic/development/metta_eval.old
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/development/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.old
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.prev
Commit 3a58f74a177eb981515f9105838368468af3ccfa by Douglas R Miles
updates to tests/baseline_compat/
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpw (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/metta_subst.bk
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 45f3eb728485e42cba4182469ce794f5b0686bdb by Douglas R Miles
main uses new loader/compiler
The file was modified.Attic/main/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.prev
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.old
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit 98badb73f35a247b3c83b7ff761c373b86454d00 by Douglas R Miles
97%git status .git status . on interperter tests
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/metta_eval.prev (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/metta_eval.old (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/base/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit d429dfb05354454ff231e3f7deee57c1d1d5f424 by Douglas R Miles
Fixed testing while compiling
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a19b2ed1ad36f781e65aae4c4f287517533bc6b6 by Douglas R Miles
Fixed findall_ne in optimize_body
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/metta_eval.old
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/metta_subst.bk
The file was modified.Attic/development/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/metta_eval.prev
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary-dmiles/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_3/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/development/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary-dmiles/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary-dmiles/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary-dmiles/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary-dmiles/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary-dmiles/ (diff)
Commit df2085791eeede36b80ce5fe2d7f1440d3f5f567 by Douglas R Miles
uses internal fwd chainer to maintain compiler states
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 890b057403203a61dfa3e99147ab65592f8766ac by Douglas R Miles
dont add extra default rel history items
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpw (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 0c2e317fc3229991003ff93be51a6db730880362 by Douglas R Miles
 mettalog --log bc_comp.metta fixed \!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit d04417f469e2146364ccd324a01c3d120eec7a76 by Douglas R Miles
compiler before optimizer is switched on
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 49108b9d39630fd3dc4c05ae2ab5aefcd3a98b1b by Douglas R Miles
Reactive Compiler (Miles/Finnin) needed to be spread into multiple files ad well as some fixes tpo make sure the compiler recompiles functions upon user request.. also fixed bug where  waited on the body
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit f17d012986a3bdedb1e210d0fcbe668e910feeb1 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/flybase/
The file was added.Attic/flybase/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/flybase/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/flybase/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/flybase/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/flybase/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/flybase/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 568a19aeaab37a1ae6b2d2efb3bee478a385f1bb by Douglas R Miles
The file was addedscripts/
Commit 6428c314ca6f6d71b4de7f05e62be2be4a82c138 by Douglas R Miles
The file was addedcompiler-project.vpj
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/debuggery/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/debuggery/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit bb6b9bc7ad24c136585024009349c74c59e43c4d by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/flybase/
The file was removed.Attic/flybase/
The file was removed.Attic/flybase/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/flybase/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was removed.Attic/flybase/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was removed.Attic/flybase/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/logicmoo/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/flybase/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcompiler-project.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
Commit 303395d29e2b0e797e6516f930a6909edcada6dc by Douglas R Miles
(do .. ) can return Empty
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8e6a83ba17a3730c52242436d98f7e866df90235 by Douglas R Miles
removed metta(e): no matching debug topic (yet)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a22f0c61f8956b81148ba36b9447c7afd39526d6 by Douglas R Miles
really back to 94% - next is BadType fix
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/main/
The file was removed.Attic/main/
The file was removed.Attic/main/
The file was removed.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/main/
The file was removed.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/main/
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/main/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was addeddocs/
Commit 89d56a498e1d393765c04a35f3c90e345dc457ac by Douglas R Miles
New systems may not have cmake libpython3-dev
The file was modifieddocs/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was addedscripts/mettalog.cmd
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/t/gvar_syntax/t/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/t/gvar_syntax/t/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/t/
The file was modifiedmettalog.cmd (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/t/gvar_syntax/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/t/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/t/dictoo_tests2.plt
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/status.db
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/t/gvar_syntax/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/dictoo/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/xlisting/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/xlisting/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/xlisting/ (diff)
Commit 5b278f8fb2e80be04abe9a96980e12702d87fb27 by Douglas R Miles
assumed no regressions and now tests can run from windows
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpw (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was removedMeTTa
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit a37c93a7afe84ba820775e6f5a55d9118b81d4ad by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/version-config (diff)
Commit 6b5685fa9e4bd9276b8e7908632b3530d5014457 by Douglas R Miles
t(f, _x, _retval):- _retval #= 2 * _x
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
Commit c2956d35da21019f1b30d2350e073b5a07fceeb8 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/ensure_env
The file was (diff)
The file was addedscripts/ensure_venv
The file was (diff)
The file was removedscripts/ensure_env
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit fbd8f8f4dc9a1fea990345679fbef462e2781cb0 by Douglas R Miles
update of  install section of readme
The file was (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_minimal.metta
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog_test.metta
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 580955c09840891025596043c1bb743eaab5c5ec by Douglas R Miles
Arity 3 version of get-type is now implemented
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog_test.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit f2afeaf52c295784445aadae4f5a0e4f639dfce2 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog_test.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog_test.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog_test.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_minimal.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit de63999b6dfc5f3d91ac8358eba5b208666e39f3 by Douglas R Miles
fixed link to GitHub Issues Page
The file was (diff)
Commit cfa982adfb9cff4bc15d4e9f37b7e7bee9871953 by Roy Ward
string to and from char conversion (and tests)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a87bdde60396413468b4016dc16e6cba442995e6 by Roy Ward
removed cuts, more tests
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 903e7a02c14c3562f5aa740b59db3eaa9220c430 by Roy Ward
mostly working format-args
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit fc548b7be31574c9be29b291a363aa5547f0d4d6 by Douglas R Miles
Corrected options to return MeTTa booleans instead of Prolog booleans
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e63abad1ae2feefcdfab29373a7b1872983dd98b by Douglas R Miles
Commented file
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 224ce56ea78b5e6f39f7ff4a2fce6abd293ef745 by Roy Ward
format-args nearly finished
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8c0262916a76a6470cc30e9f5f2ae0f6e25bc982 by Roy Ward
deal with escaped {{ }}
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_minimal.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/open-metta-file.reg
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog_test.metta
The file was (diff)
Commit 28c8593c7c96dd04a0d4a3530427ae9f4e4ca151 by Douglas R Miles
initial JUnit.xml generation
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 30fb36da1de3bfb43745bf9c1328f3d96a6fbfe6 by Douglas R Miles
pip install junit2html into
The file was (diff)
Commit a92be73cc17e9c5c5d60be524eb3f98e1ceeb435 by Douglas R Miles
add a test description JUnit.xml generation
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit dee2353364d264013fe0e8f05670d50169c5b267 by Douglas R Miles
Fake scripts/
The file was added.github/workflows/ci.yml
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit ea6f6ae09cc2e6c3ad34e13642a61f80e69891fe by Douglas R Miles
Fixed chmod
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit b933b5ff50b0c1794f3ad952a129da1eac49b16d by Douglas R Miles
junit-matrix-report.html --report-matrix
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 8d0f57495cd303dce63df8f5861bda658d97da46 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 8e26040514747f2a9c1577c442546000aac1eb52 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 915357ccc5a880292b2e11303c29c689cc2a3c03 by Douglas R Miles
--report-matrix junit-matrix-report.html
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 0ee062ffb95cb8395a94a98c9404e68db46f8330 by Douglas R Miles
Continue even if step fails
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit ffca726ecf369d2a79d72b521ce592c54143fcca by Douglas R Miles
fail-on-error: false  # Do not fail the job if tests fail (yet)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 0bcc4594642c2ca7904b210f3dfc5e17d0c0eb3d by Douglas R Miles
JUnit test comparison report is also available.
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 981bafb7009d90a061d3c33885c84ca30bb17472 by Douglas R Miles
Standard, matrix, and comparison HTML reports are available as artifacts.
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 73cfe7e54d3a7b07a9e6acc6be82af7161e83538 by Douglas R Miles
Standard, matrix, and comparison HTML reports are available as artifacts.
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 5b8839811f84393284e80a91cef459f01c727f5a by Douglas R Miles
JUnit reports, Allure report, and test comparison reports are available as artifacts.
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 8bc014d81aa38d4325f177bdfcef01bc85749be7 by Douglas R Miles
Add permissions for contents and checks to avoid integration errors
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit d81f75d5d1839cea3dbc3b2f18f2dc336198bcef by Douglas R Miles
Add permissions for contents and checks to avoid integration errors
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was (diff)
Commit 6929ebaaabb27b3381bee74dcc42af09baa73105 by Roy Ward
fix to format-args with bad args
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b1e57fc32f637f14ddd8c55f5ac922779e40cd66 by Roy Ward
cleaned up code section header, error checking for format-args
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit d38338a40cbe01121c4571423d06728a33cf5fe9 by Douglas R Miles
Added ORIGIN comments to STDLIB
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit d5afa156075c1a6ddd150157e9822b4939d7c025 by Douglas R Miles
Enhance CI workflow to handle permissions for pull requests effectively
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 090d673e03d94dfd0ebc35fa996251f287ed3820 by Douglas R Miles
Updated CI workflow to handle permissions for PRs with full write access
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 02f80cb8514ffd5839840b610869eba29443c3f2 by Douglas R Miles
Updated CI workflow to conditionally execute test reporting on push events only
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit ca5bc098de0d0c545a27936be270788d6d6a4d64 by Douglas R Miles
FIX: Allow exiting of interp on Ctrl-D.  To get to the prolog prompt you can still type
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a0be741a8771224d10657514d151a2af54d40b4a by GitHub
Update ci.yml

Fixed argument order hopefully
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit a412941aa849ed3895b528df3c4ee63c28bcf3e1 by GitHub
Update ci.yml

Auto-Approve the Pull Request
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit d6e4b81443c083ebf3fbbac1752d07791f4e74ba by Douglas R Miles
separated unify and if-unify
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 33ce3632d70c085fe0051f628b5cbf79e2d50630 by Roy Ward
get-type-state (commented out)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e985949558ae6d8da246ea3381c72618c6d633c8 by AdrickTench
Update deprecated action versions
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 291821797cf20b5cdceef5ebcc34db8b3eb8b5f2 by AdrickTench
Publish Allure Report to GitHub Pages
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 3914ab0f911ce1f60130f1221347f211a8f9d153 by Douglas R Miles
 internal op was the same things as MeTTa
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6be0de78b9b6dee54bfbf815d5a5f9274e21139f by Douglas R Miles
Fix for
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ae7c4afd5e7bc1a02fb93c3a844a47a19be0696a by Douglas R Miles
recurse docs/*.* wiki/*.*
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
Commit 14476f74770557b1644d8cfbe45d79a148ddb15b by Douglas R Miles
Towards Create and Integrate stdlib_mettalog.metta and/or corelib.metta
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/corelib.metta
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/metta_prelude.metta
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit eb4f165a7daf649a00ee7fb0fa77dea1b7470810 by Douglas R Miles
The file was addeddocs/chatgpt_knowledge_doc.txt
Commit 0f2916dbfeb77649987a018e6a775fac458ae9d8 by Douglas R Miles
updates to chatgpt_knowledge_doc
The file was modifieddocs/chatgpt_knowledge_doc.txt (diff)
Commit 8cc9128cee818c403ca3a6c8a79b425115f219b2 by Douglas R Miles
include more test results
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a630d4e60bfc28cdb8426318fd7149281e8d8bc6 by Douglas R Miles
Solved part of
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/debuggery/ (diff)
Commit 41058e13bf38e8124810e35fa4a5ed6a7faa822b by Douglas R Miles
Allow eval_## to happen in more places
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 93be2b3d3d0ed8febaa33aae671933411c7639ba by Douglas R Miles
subtraction for
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 4014b66985587f6b7d39259795b63cece6c95c11 by Douglas R Miles
subtraction for
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 2db4969758e88b40bcb2909de117abdc9a5a611d by Douglas R Miles
Allow eval_## to happen in more places 2
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c774e8c271ecfc18c92cc603f0b8952232d2fa28 by Roy Ward
fixed prompt and history issues
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6c3fcf9272ac51e9c0a3c7014e5f178ee5bf3958 by Roy Ward
some install/doc fixes
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
Commit 0ea41262b7dfdaef9e6933b1366446fbe9178905 by Douglas R Miles
change back to starting directory
The file was (diff)
Commit 74cbab9c91c1d1988e0c9b1367ba71c3313253f6 by drspro
update 2 repr parse intersect
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit bcf66d02389b2e5fdbcbb5fe88936223f9538c86 by Douglas R Miles
useable src/canary/*.metta
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit f804605353ea69e2f6bc941a0226a6148cbdb77f by Douglas R Miles
change how metta finds its files
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 86f9364092ad894fa75af256d2bc61683421f5f3 by Douglas R Miles
change how metta finds its files
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
Commit b20270d471ed557ceadfe6fec19884adfa434fb3 by Douglas R Miles
really using stdlib_mettalog
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpw (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was removedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was removedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was removedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/node_label_back.graphml
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was removedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/edge_nolabel.graphml
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/monarch_neighbors_cml_graph_n44_e106.graphml
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/node_nolabel.graphml
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/node_desc_back.graphml
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/basic.graphml
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/unit_tests.plt
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was removedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/mute_node.graphml
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/y_BorderStyle.graphml
The file was removedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/node_nodesc.graphml
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/edge_label_back.graphml
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/genome/
Commit 498cea7d8ab3dcaa8bbb706b649e20deb14d682d by AdrickTench
have ci.yml & install mettalog and run tests
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 79b63537474b4f8f64ac9d7cb0dc406cb8b067c7 by AdrickTench
separate install and run tests step, show test output (for now)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit fa04e7b1bd1e8e97190467e774f418eb8e8e68a7 by AdrickTench
try running tests with venv
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 2744e8be01eeb5b056af3b55a01b334ad34918aa by AdrickTench
store /home/atench/.vscode-server/bin/fee1edb8d6d72a0ddff41e5f71a671c23ed924b9/bin/remote-cli:/home/atench/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/windows/system32:/mnt/c/windows:/mnt/c/windows/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/windows/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA NvDLISR:/mnt/c/Program Files/dotnet/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Git/cmd:/mnt/c/Program Files/HP/HP One Agent:/mnt/c/Users/adric/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Users/adric/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/snap/bin:/home/atench/.local/bin:/home/atench/mettalog/metta-wam to  after mettalog install
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit b9aec6d37acee738c338f87cd80823df115a0752 by AdrickTench
set xterm-256color and only run subset of tests
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 70b668e03b1a9815bae2ca7bdbe2555294271485 by AdrickTench
only run one test file
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 63f25fc3f4ffa52dd22661b7c1713766abb1f8bf by AdrickTench
don't run tests for now
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit fefa8a1f46d7f28dd8435b582b4a495b35328260 by AdrickTench
update auto-approve-action version
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 2c722f894e6b8674d6fc6145dce1a2ed81e66c0d by GitHub
Run 1 test again to see output
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 4185334cf564b3ab7d9648f873e5d4388d7e4f1d by GitHub
to run one test you have to use --test
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 1b9e3f7535592ae259381ea07eba47e688d9dbb5 by AdrickTench
make test run timestamp available
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit fbf43942e80ea9a0add6340f426ea828ea084caf by AdrickTench
include timestamp in junit.xml
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 671f71395cfca048c567e78265b7e6a4355326a0 by Roy Ward
removed some commented out code
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ee07c106e0dabf635cbe9ec25a0841198a712e00 by AdrickTench
include test time in junit.xml
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 193a37c71e1e041ac03ef9a125571b6c15f89d1c by AdrickTench
track commit SHA and branch
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
Commit 160dac160a7c8cc8f4beee0805be0d5fe3ae9927 by Roy Ward
disables editline for non-tty inputs
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 0938133a1576b22636f9c99ba8f3da1709efc451 by Roy Ward
bash file fixes for stty issues
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit bb6041ff1641553c2b769175ef258e15421f9a56 by AdrickTench
generate executor.json
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
Commit 390007b19e750f6f702d331e0517874cf3eeb153 by Roy Ward
bash file fixes for stty issues
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit 469e1525b3745718f8368138c7cb5c41f581631d by AdrickTench
include timestamps for test suites
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit f97ed315b60a1a86e1c73cbf483617a0fe890d27 by Douglas R Miles
The file was addedTest-files.vpj
The file was addedlibraries/loaders/graphml/tests/simple.graphml
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
Commit ac320415ceaf3bc32ace4080bd05d6847da759db by Douglas R Miles
Docker towards
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 5b1bdb12cd425f74cfb6488583c18f8e794526e6 by Douglas R Miles
Just for TeamSPOon Repo for 100
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit d65add0c4a93ffe8e7d161554bdde4bccf948ed7 by Douglas R Miles
lets assume the output path contains reports/ dir
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 84463dfeae418b6bc15363ec495033d4ba0e215f by Douglas R Miles
INSTALL detects if on github actions and might use PPA
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
Commit 634f05c21ac3e2751f47690aaf31d481ea279076 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b99162e01d7ca81b79ab3ea588652fd3713d90a6 by Douglas R Miles
Added generation of WHOLE-TESTS.
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 9769c25bb8fbb447237f45d98e606e747ba6ab3e by root
renamed misplaced test files
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpw (diff)
The file was modifiedTest-files.vpj (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit c9ecbcc314eca10de7e76504a332a22ec926a7d2 by root
Needs not to be absolute and not relative to CWD (since tests like all .metta files change their local CWD at least while "loading"
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit a4ba51a46a9b201e075e5a663dba839c814c366f by drspro
intersection union subtraction repr parse
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 3d54e4dc7fff26a30b23fe06e19ac839bdaaf87b by Douglas R Miles
created scripts/ so nightly isnt storing it
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 58572da2f4221bb47a96b8f3cff25273f09006e3 by Douglas R Miles
disable overriding notrace/1
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b4c71b1a572ada8bd6355aa5572f9b92fe0e36ba by Douglas R Miles
nightly ./scripts/ensure_venv
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 82896001efb0e6a034a09bfa893e9f4a94d52925 by Douglas R Miles
throw error if cant write units file
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c37cbd9ffa777478c3d7de0b86a862165f764cf6 by Douglas R Miles
remove seconds string for SHARED.UNITS
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 3362ddbd7636619a930a68a1ef0121e3a0ab4b76 by Douglas R Miles
less printing of 'Script is running inside a virtual environment'
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
Commit c7cf491fe7c22a380a1019763190cc4a5e664193 by Douglas R Miles
runnning two tests and catting the locally ran tests
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit c314d893e7ec0eedffefde844a12a9acea93e567 by Douglas R Miles
filter dotdirs from library
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
Commit dd778b8bb082377cc08dbcc85ae733d478b9a3de by Douglas R Miles
fixed many py_mcall -> py_ocall
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 314bcdf5122bf135fe9e13ecac8f929b49c00fdb by Douglas R Miles
needs to set METTALOG_OUTPUT
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit a49d0a8683ec8266caa7be40e21936d435e17924 by Douglas R Miles
needs to set METTALOG_OUTPUT really
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 3ce692066ebb3f6b2f53b490b2f5a237cd782cea by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 00859752364ac21aaf20c3bc3390c7f441293982 by Douglas R Miles
make scripts/ensure_venv less verbose and ensure its ran in the correct directory
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit e8f0ebacf742ef5dbf9c71735248ea6832698a9c by Douglas R Miles
hopefully less warnings toward #89
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedhyperon-experimental.vpj
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpw (diff)
Commit da30ec25499c89e99d18aa6592602ffb00c0b078 by Douglas R Miles
!(rust! (superpose (1 (+ 1 1) 3))) works
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 89fe2730928cffa29f362b803c821a87d5cb154a by Douglas R Miles
workarround for the warning: Found file *.metta relative to the current working directory
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit ad13f37f19ed800ce2ee87b048e0735dc50f71b6 by Douglas R Miles
get rid of copied venv that is probably using a whole different python anyways
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
Commit 0906acd30ff50ad374b9cdc9db847e33e5c2b2d4 by Douglas R Miles
=== to be documented as well as ====
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 16e0715f0822121783396f7d4da5af7a7b48c7b9 by Mike Archbold
sealing work in progress
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 9cceb580bdd35c7e303625d401a0b3d18c26ec38 by Mike Archbold
sealing work in progress
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e2557f2ea2c0bdac1643b998b6b7bf03e729e548 by Douglas R Miles
remove startup warning  Found file  *.metta relative to the current working directory.
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit 8f80e1e9048ab61f6e586c0e9104cba6f9b5326f by Douglas R Miles
only gives output when needing to create venv
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcompiler-project.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removedcompiler-project.vpj
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedCompiler-project.vpj
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7ce9e8ef3641830b3ac0e749db324681ca1e85a9 by Douglas R Miles
Higher Order pred-* set operations
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit cc7f98c0e23203619d29d33a96d25fb98cfac6a7 by Mike Archbold
sealing work in progress, revision for recommended changes
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.prev
The file was removed.Attic/rust-wam/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib.metta
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/metta_subst.bk
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_minimal.metta
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/metta_eval.old
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit 14251cebaa24a250074fc8119eb13fbddf3a9f5e by Douglas R Miles
removed more unused files
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e22fcabc2a2931bb1e1a3bc230611b6c38f71be5 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit abcd67a1ee3c49c8c0f45b83584b54f5f26ad4ec by AdrickTench
include actual times in junit.xml
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit b97c3fb4e77cb9f8a838615756347c9588c9f9a5 by AdrickTench
include run number in pages URL
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 4761591a872a53dfc54b843186112e3664307173 by AdrickTench
Revert "include run number in pages URL"

This reverts commit 788a7ad2ba8f3d03ebc050c29c5d318f15a0836c.
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit f97909f21e32f54bc2f9d2bd1aa28b50d98b214f by AdrickTench
remove previous junit handling
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit f6240da7c2e387360662a669f1b632081547695e by Mike Archbold
sealed updates for same_term
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8444e8718aff3176933a0dc9e8e66ea2816e9214 by AdrickTench
try using allure-report-action approach
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 3bb09aaad23b723eecd7480c3925650841e2d884 by AdrickTench
update action version and tokens
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 881e760d61e4fa7bb1da48c7f73fccbbbdaf7fe4 by AdrickTench
include environment properties
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 9b99bab0fe3a7b1954142643ac26fe5439f063cf by Douglas R Miles
pre-doc of  src/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
Commit 564a44f7819370314a3946d7c6a1da073694e596 by AdrickTench
try to separate nightly and ci tests
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 7be715310529ad17cafbb7f9b90c2a84c3322daa by AdrickTench
debugging subfolder param
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 2a7783dc153acfaf5a35fbacf7bf931a93403243 by AdrickTench
debugging subfolder param
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 9a9e1c49634f4febea1769643692727dd7d021ad by AdrickTench
try different approach for setting subfolder
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 6f353b9ec660dbd19cae379585faed01f6bc7f11 by Mike Archbold
sealing work in progress continued
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8bbaf4edf7656a0ac0cb820b3ff12af663ab2624 by Mike Archbold
sealing work in progress continued
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b1f506e7ed6931444f6ac45ac87fed25d4357696 by Roy Ward
zeroth cut at lsp metta server package
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/metta.config.json
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/extension.js
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpw (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
Commit 34478cee2f5b66841728807a1444ff7d06740017 by Douglas R Miles
supply mettalog runtime to LSP server
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
Commit 02063fd2f88512e8e1cd86188ad797df05ff7495 by Douglas R Miles
Strart of type-cast foldl-atom
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 33a7c114679b4f64d3ea8fd9a0d970d8f1968450 by Douglas R Miles
\!(get-type 'a') --> Char
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 020f1fc39702faeada4e4d63a560f6622e87affb by Douglas R Miles
fixed merge conflicts from 78e677b550b61baff07cfce190782aa95c607ea6
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6798ce3c03d48d7089c032ca447ec02bf8e5ed23 by Douglas R Miles
subst -> subst_same so it doesnt interfere with library versions
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit fc310b17edc70ea825c22f4cc97a861b7be2afa8 by Douglas R Miles
fixing an ealier commit that changed back  .github/workflows/ci.yml
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit ac35867ffe668e1a5a06bca5b18022b54cb7cfec by Douglas R Miles
Updates and fixes for tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 1c49ac032884ee3c20151c15d70e7dcf6431e6b6 by Douglas R Miles
temp workarround for slowness of tests that look into the inherited spaces
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit 2303e9994f65d53015967341df578301d6deb54e by Douglas R Miles
Add more environment info to tests
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit f1a9da51deec922cb981370fb63dcc54509e9b23 by Douglas R Miles
upfdate to nightly script
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 5e605eb657bab9d4a6fdefc17faf566de64b583a by Douglas R Miles
update to CI tests script
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit c18a0abe53fcf23435f8051c8c37012696477a2c by Douglas R Miles
correctly pass the TIMEOUT
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ac8429db3c4ee58c23da7bc5490bb6d1e76a9921 by Roy Ward
removed executeCommandProvider from mettalog LSP
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 8335fc761daaa76b7aea6d1f6d3ccce704fff23d by Roy Ward
have stubs for all the LSP messages received so far
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit d4f67228cc081f3d7b0aa0c8dc2d19b7c9691c4b by Douglas R Miles
(if (== -> ->) True False) returning boolean now as well as both synthesize works as well as get-doc
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ec20f73254bf1a83cc501172343323249fe94f3a by Douglas R Miles
Design Workaround for argument types Expression in
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 2165c2581c9ac2ae24efa115ab53c067bf1fe885 by Douglas R Miles
allow swi-prolog specific options to command line
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit 6f324c319af378cf8121e613f41b4177db829499 by Douglas R Miles
add runtime docs for py-eval and py-list as well as argument types
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 0b4b4c0c7dc838ccb2ad602ce8725a07b1dbe67c by Douglas R Miles
feat: add support for -G option for MeTTa goals and clarify -s and -l usage for scripts
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit cc2ca11d8d426af85e916f14ccd65dfcc15a2f31 by Douglas R Miles
feat: add support for -S and -L options for MeTTa scripts and clarify usage of -s and -l options
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit 6ed61be036e3d176d2d9c5b7ac372771157f9874 by Douglas R Miles
fix: update mettalog script to add uppercase options to METTALOG_OPTIONS instead of SWI_OPTIONS
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit ff87d62a70891329e3af7dbdd22015f62a0aa6ac by Douglas R Miles
feat: update help output to include --time=debug and rename --eval= to --e=
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit f4888d98bf07865427ae5d4c256adc9280b31bf9 by Douglas R Miles
removed docme files that were gettign stale
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit ae55c832c4242d408c6efa4dea3ec230619b03b1 by Mike Archbold
sealing function ontology and test updates
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 9ccec327ea8629bb1e4971a4d2b8b45bc652af00 by Douglas R Miles
scripts/ scripts/
The file was addedscripts/
The file was addedscripts/
Commit 2cd61f0df73e921475d12fc87d39d6583bc92147 by Douglas R Miles
190|   24| 214|   88% | I  hyperon-experimental        | tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts |
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 6587989bfe5bbf70f71beee11d812193d349ffe3 by Douglas R Miles
193|   21| 214|   90% | I  hyperon-experimental        | tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts |
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit d90cc853a5a9b16e52a6154d2db5670e3223a49a by Mike Archbold
minor change to sealing function description in ontology
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 235c0c662f610d9b91f8e929f1e6a66909703ceb by Mike Archbold
first effort documenting
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ee458d976557601236ad37d544a2e059b3c0460d by Roy Ward
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
Commit 02932440f83a348a96855fdaac206fe7c61278b4 by Roy Ward
still working on LSP hover
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedTest-files.vpj (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8ab3addf37f7f0e16a869f106b16131f30874ffe by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 19fc1caaa262152221f259977b47a9a227df17bf by Douglas R Miles
In progress docme files from Douglas
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
Commit bc10514803d3824e3421773f32ec025bfb86c17f by Douglas R Miles
began process of depricating/removing old reader
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit caa5eebd744b2351f4460721ff94dad0d6c6313d by Douglas R Miles
Begun fix for
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 37cc81dc5e553c61fe1b108d8857fb00385dee0c by Douglas R Miles
Fix for
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b7629b128b350e46114887bab13c9c9e996bd9ae by Douglas R Miles
Handle codelists for #115
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 78ff9c52831d9e4ab75e3e51f61de46a2daafbd9 by Douglas R Miles
fix for reader error neededing @arg Position The current /3 Term of the stream. and missing pred
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
Commit c54f34de8488b19e5c6a31ae556e4fd048ad1a38 by Douglas R Miles
fixed type that coused tests to fail
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
Commit 1c4adcec970b206d89b24645d0c060c0e14ae311 by Douglas R Miles
using a lambda in report_progress_so_far/4
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 721da645396415a6a162b4ae089c4256b3bd436a by Douglas R Miles
Update to CI to put valid links in test output
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 3b765d3def5841b2a3d9ef9ad70edef22ddcc15b by Douglas R Miles
Probably fixes the broken repl that @royward was thiunking was the case
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
Commit e88cfbcc3c5fbc4496d4e0ba4eb3445a0b3761a9 by Douglas R Miles
Runs all the baseline tets once again
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit ef47baaa002331c7de82a36ce99f0a125d6f2923 by AdrickTench
only run nightly tests in main repo
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 4885dc0c6d9329d4d84ed13acf2ee011830d1d8e by Douglas R Miles
Removal of unused
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit df14bfd2fb403e580c9ebbf673527c03be620368 by Mike Archbold
add defragmenter python program
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 95ff6bca61672cdb3984cfb241bbeeafbb42f9c9 by AdrickTench
file-level documentation for maplist! and concurrent-maplist!
The file was modified.Attic/main/ (diff)
Commit f1ee3da8046a424f28a46fcebe817e60bd2e0376 by AdrickTench
doc and type declarations for maplist! and concurrent-maplist!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit fa0d741436c803b71ce4ebb5b47a53ed092cae43 by AdrickTench
Docs and tests for findall!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was added.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
Commit e57a6093bced61ea9ec296eb7ee23352e0daa6cb by Roy Ward
sexpr stuff working (but not annotated)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
Commit fe98955e8d3d63546a023eea562975265850a878 by Douglas R Miles
fuller arities of maplist! concurrent-maplist!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit aa4026a02c18a4523fa3afc150c04764445cb48d by Douglas R Miles
making it easier to rename the compiler
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 46956669dc4e68f3d8ee4c58804523997128b3b3 by Douglas R Miles
towards and and
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/resolve/r.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/neurospace/test_assist.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/c2_spaces.metta
The file was addedpython/hyperonpy.cpp
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/c3_pln_stv.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d2_higherfunc.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d5_auto_types.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/resolve/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/integration/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/f1_imports.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/c1_grounded_basic.metta.answers
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/a2_opencoggy.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d4_type_prop.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/e1_kb_write.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/03_example_dict.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/numpy/nm_test.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/f1_moduleB.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/e3_match_states.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/f1_moduleC.metta
The file was addedpython/integration/test_das.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/e2_states.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d5_auto_types.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/sql_space/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/tests/test_load.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d1_gadt.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d3_deptypes.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/das_gate/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/c1_grounded_basic.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b5_types_prelim.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/01_example_majority.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/neurospace/test_assist.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b1_equal_chain.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/neurospace/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/e2_states.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b2_backchain.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d4_type_prop.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/das_gate/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/das_gate/test_das.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/a3_twoside.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d3_deptypes.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/test_load.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/01_example_majority.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/neurospace/test_nspace.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/das_gate/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/resolve/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/
The file was addedpython/tests/ext_dir/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/c2_spaces_kb.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b4_nondeterm.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d1_gadt.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/das_gate/test_das.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/neurospace/test_nspace.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/f1_moduleA.metta.answers
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/sandbox/resolve/r.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/d2_higherfunc.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/tm_test.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b2_backchain.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b4_nondeterm.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/ext_dir/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/a2_opencoggy.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/numpy/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/04_example_dollar_of_mexico.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/e3_match_states.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/c2_spaces.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/02_example_perm.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b1_equal_chain.metta
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b0_chaining_prelim.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/numpy/nm_test.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b5_types_prelim.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/f1_moduleA.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/a1_symbols.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b3_direct.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/c3_pln_stv.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b3_direct.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/04_example_dollar_of_mexico.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/f1_imports.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/02_example_perm.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/sql_space/sql_space_test.metta.answers
The file was addedpython/integration/test_das.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/b0_chaining_prelim.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/sql_space/sql_space_test.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/repl/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/bhv_binding/03_example_dict.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/e1_kb_write.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/neurospace/
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/torch_func_signatures.json
The file was addedpython/tests/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/pytorch/tm_test.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/a3_twoside.metta.answers
Commit 120126f5927707e9c56a784f2856347e8932e73f by Douglas R Miles
first real sync with in order to start and and
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/b3_direct.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/sandbox/simple_import/
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/d2_higherfunc.metta (diff)
The file was addedpython/sandbox/jetta/test_basic_jetta.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/test_gnd_conv.metta
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/tests/ext_sub/ext_nested/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/simple_import/example_01.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/jetta/enum_lambda.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/ext_recursive/level-2/ext_nested/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/test_snet_call.metta
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/repl/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/
The file was addedpython/tests/test_include.metta
The file was addedpython/tests/ext_sub/ext_nested/
The file was addedpython/sandbox/simple_import/example_02_numpy.metta
The file was addedpython/sandbox/simple_import/example_03_langchain.metta
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/das_gate/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/neurospace/test_nspace.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/c1_grounded_basic.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperonpy.cpp (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/d4_type_prop.metta (diff)
The file was addedpython/tests/scripts/g1_docs.metta
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/resolve/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/f1_moduleC.metta (diff)
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/d5_auto_types.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/numpy/nm_test.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/resolve/r.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/sql_space/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/sql_space/sql_space_test.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/integration/test_das.metta (diff)
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/snet/naint/text-generation.metta
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/das_gate/requirements.txt
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/tests/ext_recursive/level-2/ext_nested/
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/sandbox/jetta/test_lambda.metta
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/f1_imports.metta (diff)
The file was addedpython/sandbox/jetta/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/
The file was addedpython/integration/test_bio_das.metta
The file was modifiedpython/integration/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/sandbox/simple_import/example_04_numpy_simple_import.metta
The file was addedpython/VERSION
The file was addedpython/sandbox/jetta/test_expr_compile.metta
The file was addedpython/pyproject.toml
The file was addedpython/tests/ext_sub/module.metta
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/test_snet_meta.metta
Commit 5d4c8b8874819b582b0a14954bf5d4f3680d9db2 by Douglas R Miles
first divergence with with
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/repl/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/pyproject.toml (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/
Commit 0972bab0065112b43be2afb2eea3b0fdb377cecd by Douglas R Miles for the python stuff
The file was addedpython/
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/pyproject.toml (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/repl/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/pyproject.toml (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/repl/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
Commit dbb00a2b06086ad8b72ebccdc6562071ce64c80b by Douglas R Miles
remove the error/warnming about metta_reader
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit db1cda4ec77088ad4059eeea58d7bb2c7ff91dcf by Douglas R Miles
restored the tensor test result
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/pytorch/tm_test.metta.answers (diff)
Commit 9480c1d965fb3e111d3e839b6a09bfb1d1f3fb8c by Douglas R Miles
src/canary/ allow block commentss -- no rule saying we cant have them in metta!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 9a656896847e677ccf11478954aaab0d8d30f8f4 by Douglas R Miles
add to path python/
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit f9b5727ba2a5129e28212eb16640a8b825027430 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 0c16b9373406aa85672c846603f74d8b277d14c0 by Douglas R Miles
fixed nondet bug in evql_40
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7cf7d5d85c6c3295ca555e0e44c6641540ce5f16 by Douglas R Miles
allow hyperon to not be fully installed
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ed9718dab45990ffb825a17071605255bb3832a6 by Douglas R Miles
expand the default installed python packages
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedrequirements.txt (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
Commit 30b758bec0e2830f9a9c996383f3add103a8945c by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a5a14bdf4c5749b65657dfa6088c9db618ead347 by Douglas R Miles
passing back to mike for real this timed
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
Commit bb594c2c98637e9ece1300f1b229b43476e610dc by AdrickTench
catch/throw docs and tests
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 9c25336587c650f91c73027f14a59040b18097b3 by Mike Archbold
improved handling of file names
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit eff8226110ef142e37d5ac052eab9dbff93fc7b4 by Douglas R Miles
removed unused docme mizer
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
Commit b4067b89536cd060bd7d8e18335e33aa5106e1c2 by Douglas R Miles
removed the ones i already merged into canary
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
Commit b53c9dda2cb8fc61ac08999c2ca9bdba9b29500b by Roy Ward
mostly working, needs cleanup
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 9afb24c8b6c329883a3a9efbe3d9cf38db6a0cd2 by Roy Ward
minimal but working (very basic hover) LSP server
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit d9ecc836d991dd70b00e735d845f9d79cb15cef3 by AdrickTench
max-time! docs and tests
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/canary_docme/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 81e9a43e70f5b7ccbe49521894317454895e0f99 by Douglas R Miles
allows `source --force --easy --swi=src`
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedrequirements.txt (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit 6e147ed3f5c7a7112a835d757be0f71cf7f001ea by Douglas R Miles
rest of remove metta_corelib
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 1604144a2a16b1654e563011ed7701ad4a79b3f1 by Roy Ward
fixes to split document
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 456b3d1e2df3944824ed16f9c323ec2c58c30856 by Roy Ward
stability improvements to LSP (two bugs cancelling out fixed)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit f66c196a4914ae24a28d7eb2ee65ee936bb0a04a by Douglas R Miles
libgoogle-perftools-dev : Depends: libunwind-dev
The file was (diff)
Commit 1d90ae75cb7b13df15acb2b301b4043898b812da by Douglas R Miles
libgoogle-perftools-dev : Depends: libunwind-dev oopsy
The file was (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 2811fb9b5058c9b06f09f129e3e6cca5509ab463 by AdrickTench
progress towards saving test report copies by number of failures
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 95f07d599c54f15c0e6355b2e545444e34d447ca by Roy Ward
fixed lsp server so any splitting mode should work
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 1a6fa6e0960d0115a5da541b88d26050cd4d4bb7 by Douglas R Miles
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit 9f2a4282c4aae51212d671c0e306a56625703db6 by Douglas R Miles
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modifiedCompiler-project.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 1c232aad43b71dede32d509bf818a971ab63ef17 by Douglas R Miles
PlDoced patcher in corelib
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 2a257fcd7b542f42d1410618190a4c863d571af7 by AdrickTench
remove debugging print in
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 6924368df1259160764af6c055459fc7cc3bd9cb by AdrickTench
progress to copying logs to new destination
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit f722b0483580e388117c1ecc0d54715ad1e8bd38 by AdrickTench
copy test logs to new destination in
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit a1f426c2450cfd4795cf30b97e76089be12ebf23 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 9aaca4e8470524d315a93527f6ea6fa4230a72d8 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 80c343a34efa8c370581dce4a5081fe2844dcdbd by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 40c2c9c12197741548e7fb64a7a98779fa5014b5 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8d06292bff2de45ddfb1a5ff4a7495391a2dd61a by Mike Archbold
Comments added, remove from docme
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/canary_docme/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6578d2f574a90afe904a4c03279408b64ec2df0a by Douglas R Miles
Fix: Adjust determinism annotations in
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit cebf0766f61a85452be596e2291975ec3f860b47 by Douglas R Miles
Enhancement: Load pldoc library in
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit d5af7f6303d48b164dfe704b2ce744105f1ded86 by Douglas R Miles
Fix: Add quietly_sreader/1 predicate in
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a2da91ac88e81cfadb8ded0004a9d745f49a028a by Douglas R Miles
Refactor: Update with new threading logic
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 64824450707c8175e1f9e8406fce5d842ce615b6 by Douglas R Miles
Enhancement: Add Enum and improve error handling in
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7e087d09ec764598814b58ab931777495fa1cd4b by Douglas R Miles
Feature: Implement maplist meta-predicates and add dynamic predicates in
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 72dfe4564144c13ab307bdad85e6bb2f6e612664 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 33980a512ade4ba972d1ed565463ff5d2003fe8f by Douglas R Miles
Fixes to some of the PLDocs
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 0f96cc787ad50a8be30ff2f20435cc5149da2d4f by Douglas R Miles
Added Prolog transpilation comments and assertTrue functional predicate.
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 5b3574d3e9f0b98233c4427ae53d812bdf6c9a54 by Douglas R Miles
Refactored mettalogpy_repl and added maybe_load_metta_python_patcher logic.
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7d1ad484c090847125b28d8dfb5ccb6321d3c815 by Douglas R Miles
Changed determinism annotations for lookup_spft_match and lookup_spft_match_deeper.
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 0a9d628f8eda3f949015860dee0a6ed418c54676 by Douglas R Miles
Added lazy loading for Metta Python proxy and refactored initialization logic.
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c18d1eb505558d49ee9c5638a75a5eba3f9d0678 by Douglas R Miles
VSPACE_VERBOSE -> METTALOG_VERBOSE,  nonlocal submode, '@'('none'))
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/mettalog/ (diff)
Commit 9c13395e0f9b9138105b7739fdb77e6581f49837 by Douglas R Miles
dynamically define my_module
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 1dfca56509794110bf1c3ec05889246487f0ff5e by Douglas R Miles
~/metta-wam/src/canary$ python
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e23d71d2bbceda9fe3ec17dd83162457ffdac2c4 by Douglas R Miles
~/metta-wam/src/canary$ python
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 50a46fffb01a95c9ffd7d9272c0acdcf41ddb876 by Douglas R Miles
~/metta-wam/src/canary$ python
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c99777db665db66effd529a9bcd1cadd98d880cf by Roy Ward
new utf8/utf16 character stuff _mostly_ working
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 30cb962dd7b6eb3edc29244698a8d63d2a484c21 by Roy Ward
remove compiler changes
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 5f2f0adae5ca5a2516ad59bbe5f0f0ebe59342e9 by Roy Ward
change fix, turned off some debugging
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit a8424b41c8eea4582f2d2f037e83d4c8325b9f14 by AdrickTench
docs/tests for call! and call-string!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was removedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/images/VSCode_lsp_install.png
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/ (diff)
Commit 42dea250dfc62457db2ef9baa40e9c4a27abce9b by Douglas R Miles
hybrid of old and new compiler
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removedpython/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 104a3775e86f8ab4a21312ed968360c2bcec746b by Douglas R Miles
Adjusted oo_new/3 to reuse objects based on Type and 'value' field
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 39a07bbc3f6b4f88cb00bedc27ccd1b3cbeede49 by Douglas R Miles
Adjusted oo_new/3 to reuse objects based on Type and 'value' field, matching all other fields
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 24bbc576927a6b7886e2e4dc2449765938944d82 by Douglas R Miles
Slightly more OOP in Prolog
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 04b9f9e8c3a4ad170aaad931d2412062f0d83856 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b5677f39549752b3e86d668269fea00ee873e639 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit be6628de4bfc8a24a83318fc2b803673caf4d21b by Roy Ward
refactored the files
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 3587d39c01ac8a731801cec3b2f4d0876075eb1a by Douglas R Miles
catchup on python/hyperon/exts
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/test_snet_call.metta (diff)
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/das_gate/
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/ (diff)
Commit 0c6841b759e873d744b47bf31e7b2502fc1aad55 by Douglas R Miles
back towards previous metta_repl
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/repl/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/pyproject.toml (diff)
Commit 68bd6acb65dbe183f9a8eee87c101a1a9be9f4f6 by Douglas R Miles
allow actual escape characters
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 43b236aa19a47595c6623eca17f6ea8d0ac92c25 by Douglas R Miles
removed time\! and replaced with time/wall-time/cpu-time also properly implemented  as per bug report
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 053cb95801287340e041c3e262ba7017256627d3 by Douglas R Miles
do not quit on comment in input
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 789f080a23500600a7d59131149e5aca6217eaa5 by Douglas R Miles
oops this belonged in the last commit -notrace(G):- once(G).
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b7d724bbbca0a11dcd3dfbd48fd36f67e7ca3b19 by Douglas R Miles
fix for
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 4482597d9b200778eaeb7badaaa7aa4b7d16cdf6 by Douglas R Miles
really fixed
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 2fdc56812e55e5bbf3771fc1d241b1ae77e0df8d by AdrickTench
GDL  tests/features/games/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 128a5c80292378054df6a8fe1890bd8134b3c44c by AdrickTench
docs/tests for offset!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 6ae99473c601eaa1db8a973a68f31ba17d3ee07b by GitHub

Added the possibility of needing to add logicmoo_utils
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/ (diff)
Commit b2ba8b9577773bc1cca0c63dcd524f3285eee4bf by Douglas R Miles
the  and   enviroment variables mean quit a bit to SWI-Prolog!
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit 90fab2460ef6a98a638d10ddb97e8539450ff7f2 by Douglas R Miles
Pretend for now we have a nondeterministic sig_atomic
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8d0722b85728b2714bb920e437d1d62e09ed12ee by Douglas R Miles
Handle mostly blank lines
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 80fcdaecb7ff897c985cffa2eee79d8bd964efc7 by Douglas R Miles
Dont mess with envrioment more thna we have to
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 11c7ef2a7ded9bbf0cbe7452a4dc83b200be14a8 by Douglas R Miles
Faster/sounder Tuple check
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 719a1904cf5c45a54b81c727808d7c8d4db35a21 by Douglas R Miles
simplify the pretty printer
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 19c011353b128b892526a8b04ad0418a02621c8c by Douglas R Miles
py-chain Impl .. still needs do0cs and test
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a561a06a31f4354e1e8a5b8fc5250897b42a706d by Douglas R Miles
py-chain Impl .. still needs do0cs and test
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/logicmoo/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/logicmoo_utils/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 35cd25a3ebf42e053de5c190bf99e266a456b608 by Douglas R Miles
-    throw(i_loaded_this)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/ (diff)
Commit be8f047080ca64939a8b847f0b588d60ad0aca84 by AdrickTench
update doc on setup-call-cleanup!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/sandbox/repl/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/tests/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/tests/agent.metta
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/
The file was addedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/tests/test_agents.metta
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was addedpython/
Commit b22aa37a458721402fba5407ce27ae7253f520ef by Douglas R Miles
quietly checking if requirements are still met
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
Commit 2aadb448846391c51951e327b9aa9a127f8950e0 by Douglas R Miles
python stuff added to .gitignore
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 4cf8ff392ea0371396f7725d0a38fd9a181bbd92 by Douglas R Miles
Update to LSP Server about the vsce packaging
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/ (diff)
Commit 7780200039731170261cd58bafe8e7523438b07d by Douglas R Miles
Removed lines breakign the LSP Server
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit b45b51ad989f82309fde81d242c4c17d0ebf8f7f by drspro
Update analyse to a Table and after CSV
The file was addedmettalog.metta.tmp
The file was addedmettalog.html
Commit 3e2482a77e1b1ed1bf32d254182d7f21b2cbd8b7 by drspro
Update5 to try to come in sync
The file was addedvenv.dead/bin/python
The file was addedvenv.dead/bin/python3.10
The file was addedvenv.dead/lib64
The file was addedvenv.dead/pyvenv.cfg
The file was addedvenv.dead/bin/python3
Commit 8707ad70c4061ba860d32440432a6e23a09de2ec by Douglas R Miles
begun the help! / get-doc interface that will work via the repl
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 4383bb2d8a25dd981cd793eb48ad2670d779b635 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 15abf71aa3b385fcb5e9fa5595f0d2a95379edfd by Douglas R Miles
Forgotten code to unbreka the LSP Server
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e3f1d9c6a0c7e694cefc7cf0fbd3043618fd726c by Roy Ward
fixed line issues in LSP
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit fb9ebca0cf657716a56d747d329623f300881460 by Douglas R Miles
make_metta_file_buffer plus --help
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
Commit 52e2aef0b2632332b3e4028b05f2644b850c4247 by Douglas R Miles
make_metta_file_buffer plus 2
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6ea3d38fb6168a748e60292fd96ffe1b1545018e by Douglas R Miles
Write the full source content if it's complex
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 096cbbcb3882b3255472ffd354a04d63c41fc198 by Douglas R Miles
recover from stream errors durring input
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8afc188ca255358e69b08a335e2911bde19e26f9 by Douglas R Miles
allow read over multiple lines
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 1dc650ed4c34f77c0d6fc7af32a509d7578b941a by Douglas R Miles
allow stream_error/2s to be caught differntly than program errors
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ec5a92d8cc5422a02016c5c9ca42cf3facfeee4f by Douglas R Miles
allow type links.. make sure the help! command runs under a  flag
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 51237867f46c0de7ccb5c19934ac53356d1f673c by Douglas R Miles
Fixed allow type links.. make sure the help! command runs under a  flag
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 77ac381a3d5b82db4c90f0e2eacf08944465ca34 by Roy Ward
split by clause, save some metadata
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ensure_venv (diff)
Commit 4d5a1c5b3e70bd3f460aa8a90b157be541be7447 by Douglas R Miles
Slighhtly less torent to problems
The file was (diff)
Commit 1e0a57ec4bf2fa5d61cca5e302fdfded75af938b by Douglas R Miles
The file was (diff)
Commit 6a0c0237ba026e352482065a88f590df6ecd9b6a by Douglas R Miles
install_swi_from_src restores direcotry in failure
The file was (diff)
Commit 5a5bd6ebbeb7a460ec7ba9a64f5374a903904ddd by Douglas R Miles
dont print success message twice
The file was (diff)
Commit 6a11a51a713f2dafb428937e74e7ef03610fa89d by Douglas R Miles
try to source the from Dockerfile
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
Commit fa6687e68233985d7550fbeafdbfe2e267b02008 by Douglas R Miles
renamed:    src/canary/ -> src/packs/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c59c34771796e76c169829410b677e9e93b3131c by Douglas R Miles
quick python compare for testing
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8bc2ffcfe70304bed9d82316fb2753d5de534088 by Douglas R Miles
better line number tracking
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c9bc42473038e8933267f56872f7a85873b76e1d by Douglas R Miles
first cut of documentSymbol in which makes a vscode outline sheet
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit e5e096137f4cc5baa5f52a99d84ed0e591881d0c by Roy Ward
fixed line ending issue that was messing with didChange, and an escaped character in string issue
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 26acc7002d39011dfb7d0342f58d3a2a3456e27e by AdrickTench
docs/tests for hyperpose, sequential, and do
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 79d29906a903f48dc7d6859f77e943f121b9ccaa by vulecoff
allow for late definition to be evaluated
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 24140a8be269631dd883ab641e72143c0cf4c209 by Douglas R Miles
set default src_indents to false
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7d5c0dc9337e48d59500b811345041cdb7d6bb5c by Douglas R Miles
run recompile from debug server by jsut pressing enter
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ca74defcfa93d0cc4059c03b430234f19b107ff6 by Douglas R Miles
Export clause_with_arity_in_file_at_position/4 in LSP Server
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/syntaxes/mettalanguage.json
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 260e6bc65b82cc01075e75884b66c7dd781a0eef by Douglas R Miles
hacky threading system as well as refernces/definition provers etc
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 77f7c50dfb59bcc95234648853307698d74a9895 by AdrickTench
update docs for Minimal MeTTa functions
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 89d8cc032f67b6c27b398b9ca519c560b307d7b0 by Roy Ward
improved syntax highlighting
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/syntaxes/mettalanguage.json (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 164a3b58cf0b26ffa357875a7dbbb77a97f517cb by Douglas R Miles
Group declarations by type
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ee7eb25de804e3690319cfcd04fc26a50a8ea948 by Douglas R Miles
get rid of extra_answer_padding
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 9e25070ba42832e855c02267f30eb64bbaff7b5b by Douglas R Miles
buffer the answer outpout into temp file but will change to becoem a memfile
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 4a675efeef74d4d70a36a805932885416ac90a26 by Douglas R Miles
in_answer_io using memfile isntead of disk
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 135279da2dd76db43eaeb2ac948370e3c4187dca by Douglas R Miles
handle_catcher(exit) :- !
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a69b86de169d4d717b828038912405a245e97266 by Douglas R Miles
removed that elusive choice point
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 833a9ffaccbc210a11cc167a038550f944616cec by Douglas R Miles
Fixed Syntax error: duplicate_key expected, found "codeActionProvider"
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 854976c6821df21e04a954c7f3003086867b3e3c by Douglas R Miles
dont double print answers
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit fb79c1289a4cad9f44180d66e296ec098650d4d6 by Douglas R Miles
moved codeAction to its own file .. it is about to get very busy otherwise.. change the metta_file_buffer/5 structure to keep a range rather than a single position
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit b2732216984132aa04ce5e8e15aafe048dfd3a60 by Douglas R Miles
Fix for
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 53d2239bc60432dc88038d6e9a1267880a5b11ac by GitHub
Only compute actions for symbols right now
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 0f32573e9865a2a766295e42bdb6a84ae80131e1 by Douglas R Miles
using new metta_file_buffer/7 and a buch of LSP Additions
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
Commit bc30937b45234d7b8132dbb6ea2855554e28a82f by Douglas R Miles
really using new metta_file_buffer/7
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 09d2e6483877ddd8dcf843c7727eed7bec7c4169 by Douglas R Miles
canary really using new metta_file_buffer/7
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/base/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/metta_subst.bk
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/metta_eval.prev
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/base/metta_subst.bk
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/metta_eval.old
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks/
Commit be9f55c683504c3acbd22201e05952c7ac398669 by Douglas R Miles
Fixed the loading of stdlib_mettalog for now
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit ff05c5bc18033c1635b3f97061d64b22718fb186 by AdrickTench
docs for eval-for and compile!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
Commit a6ae8fc9794fa725ded935e7e75b1666bc1de2a3 by Douglas R Miles
isolate doc_text_d4 from doc_text which is full text
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 27c68a948b49a4ea65fad80f54b6182a0e436f6b by Douglas R Miles
updates to LSP server and mettalog that are required for the LSP Server
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
Commit 121ca964093a5b699551fc49c710d6a06e5fdc9d by Douglas R Miles
Back to almost working version of compiler
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 658ed2c1ab10cf22e54d23598aae752cf152d90b by Douglas R Miles
allow errors and warning rather than silently doing nothing as the clause above would have done
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 4fde4cafac7fffb2b09ceadcdae29556f72b158d by Douglas R Miles
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/
The file was added.Attic/comp_werks2/new.pol
Commit a3b49106f967e87c24d662020cc2781bab419754 by Douglas R Miles
super_safety_checks + on_mettalog_error
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 7ed353541c3fec9a11859a4ce3665de77bcd8281 by Douglas R Miles
super_safety_checks + on_mettalog_error
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit baf350fc1faa3ac0a9e282684daa41618245acd8 by Douglas R Miles
Use scripts/ in
The file was (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
Commit 65e95a14a696fdaf57d7a5f50dfba0e67fb265da by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit 5222618124b63b3e17af267763d58e33138d0809 by Douglas R Miles
move super_safety_checks/1 to
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/comp_werks2/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/comp_werks2/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/comp_werks2/ (diff)
Commit ef773224958ee77bd162a78b3c8440d55f3acf43 by Douglas R Miles
@jazzbox35 commenting merged to src/comp_werks2
The file was modified.Attic/comp_werks2/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/comp_werks2/ (diff)
Commit 6a49e35e1786d0cb58412e1922fb09d99cbaa36a by Douglas R Miles
symlink rest of the pack dirs
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/comp_werks2/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/comp_werks2/ (diff)
Commit ff65c3bdbcfae4ca741012d53d37d7bd6e26b728 by Douglas R Miles
ideally settings will be sent with initialize
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
Commit 9b94432f15e6e48b6b9dd82e1acaef158323ad59 by Douglas R Miles
LSP Server experimental settings
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
Commit 89fb9522beb548f2141c1f0ace13e13d08326618 by Douglas R Miles
Ok, evidently only metta-lsp.trace.server gets sent on changes
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
Commit 635e77ea01f4e60fe0e7d8efb10fbf1295ffe524 by Douglas R Miles
Ok, evidently only metta-lsp.trace.server gets sent on changes so trying only two settings.. also bumping version to 0.0.4
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 3b722c0feadd939252c029db6836afd7bd166e76 by Douglas R Miles
Merge of the into
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit c484a92500852e5803ad4778c13d15bafdeb26de by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
Commit 691283d16abc37f32f95451648e9a3af0cbde260 by Douglas R Miles
start of thread LSP server
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 5447e541b7c022ccd7790a04c4293e10814a97b2 by GitHub

Formatting fixes
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 16dd655e3ea0855c99a23e99f8b096b71ffaccc2 by AdrickTench
compile, compile-space tests & docs
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit cca7a3d38b603363a37f4ffd399a2e2a321ffed3 by Douglas R Miles
Update install so it doesnt terminate github workflow
The file was (diff)
Commit a22b32e0aede3f2c069bd4b6dea70d3054b376ea by Douglas R Miles
Fix syntax error in (missing then in if)
The file was (diff)
Commit 691b09bce65d6dc74d8daf7f378a2a6079361484 by Douglas R Miles
better resolution in setup scripts for LINK_TARGET
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit e2213135b5bb897974de24c34cf53409a9c3bca2 by Douglas R Miles
dont use prolog_ide(debug_monitor)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 2557db952a1db315344fad298f67c4f73ba8fe28 by AdrickTench
function-arity, predicate-arity docs & tests
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit dbb4286fe88bd9d382e45ff8ffff736522f2dea6 by AdrickTench
docs/tests for call-p!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 0c4beab440769aa69701abf23c3db223b29839fc by Roy Ward
fixed duplicate predicates in interpreter
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit cdecf1af17120d39d7959d65ef3697035b8d0f10 by Douglas R Miles
Moved ther threaded/queueing code to its own section
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit a93a69566b303024b71b25db06f320d25227f2ba by Douglas R Miles
lsp_hooks:exec_code_action + answer_output is no longer using a temp file (it uses a memfile)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 5e186d1ff0eaf0a6e1e8702e1ab744615ab6ecfe by Douglas R Miles
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/lsp-metta.el
Commit 2c1616974f0458f3116331d5438bf29d24128ea0 by Roy Ward
more moving to compiler prefix
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 3afa84e579e01ea65e86339c4e267d043273be8e by Roy Ward
get rid of fixme messages
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 08a3cff091df0db73e4f9b1235821bee23462aa7 by Roy Ward
nthx case mostly working
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/
Commit d37a8266c59940c6668bb923d5d67deb52168c9d by Douglas R Miles
Our request listener hooks monitor these on their own
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 8c1a8f67678adbf52dbccbc3e2d3f6fcaa1833a6 by Douglas R Miles
Fix for Dockerfile needs modification to run without errors #185
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was removedmettalog.metta.tmp
The file was removedvenv.dead/bin/python3.10
The file was removedvenv.dead/pyvenv.cfg
The file was removedmettalog.html
The file was removedvenv.dead/bin/python
The file was removedvenv.dead/bin/python3
The file was removedvenv.dead/lib64
Commit 8238141de4d7852eeb4a6452aeef1d1e3fe050b6 by AdrickTench
tests/docs for open, close, with-output-to
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit d67a7fee1af7e48c32a80d7386c726d5c75cd9ea by AdrickTench
docs for load-file, load-ascii
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/extension.js (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
Commit a92117d4901e33bac36b249446b549ef7c845e0b by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
Commit 78f343f982bd83400476aa80a5f32063a984b199 by Roy Ward
cleaned up check_supporting_predicates, added transpiler_mutex_lock
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit cc2da33391009fa7d1ea21ea93d478f345c12e1f by Roy Ward
fix u_assign replacement
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/package.json (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 46c2cc91758c3067c2cc1aa90dd8ee2315c1313a by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 72e2b89be7b2acb7cc89eda08ec999f112c96341 by AdrickTench
update doc strings for load functions
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 6c57f877eaddf4139d1c324207bcfb8d78516e52 by Douglas R Miles
needing to prefix  user:metta_file_buffer
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit efa9723752836bb636885088cfca8df87af772e8 by AdrickTench
tests/docs for save-space!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit eb95cf6e4a38dc6e2350c9dd0fccd54d2ad5873e by Douglas R Miles
Emacs does return a Client Configuration List
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/lsp-metta.el (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
Commit 1934f54579dfff66bf61ea6c6bdc52df21c611bb by Douglas R Miles
Lower impredicence of stdlib in diff tool
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 49d2bea04ffb4046c80414f62e8fe6b48b87fc8d by Douglas R Miles
added docs to 10 new functiosn.. @todo their impl
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit fa28c022ab202f2303995c79dc5e6b39a5f0f789 by Douglas R Miles
added missing head_preconds_into_body/4
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 0a4d4e7c45e0a5ea3d7712458dc52b2a6ae9f3a1 by Douglas R Miles
to address where caught exception is bubbling too far upwards
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit a995ef56d363562a7c5acc1f2c982b72c4cfccad by Douglas R Miles
really should have a hover that lets us see precompiled MeTTa
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit aae625e592c9e1b34364b92c5fa73f67dab5d587 by Douglas R Miles
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit b11e448bda7f3fa18eb5f0e3e57607545a83b196 by Douglas R Miles
Setwise operations being implemented in MeTTa instead of backend!
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit ba858faaf8713bf8fffc939c356561b571dbc349 by Douglas R Miles
Stream errors now tell us where the error started not where the end of file is
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 3519359711644d262a99795ea028279570a91fb9 by Douglas R Miles
impletements the usage: metta [-h] [--version | MeTTa script] functions so we can also do
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit a0157ab6d824d1d540753dcb3fa67d45a12a5a0d by Douglas R Miles
Makes it pass 4 more minimal metta tests
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 9f09c6107bbaa28d9521ba2f749a7dfe26dae06b by Douglas R Miles
GPT-4 rust extract ...
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit cc42965056d7d45b6b038111e8892913b6b4b09b by Douglas R Miles
got rid of naughty simple_math/1 call happening early
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
Commit 25480b05c87e8e035f7db1c5648b682a9c2862f7 by Roy Ward
got format-args working, added missing file
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 180360fb64ce27d679339b634b18525ba03f4910 by Douglas R Miles
sub module updates and better cache file time checking
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
Commit 4e2048b7d1cdd777afeb7daf053473bbb797f614 by Douglas R Miles
only push a report of the test results have changed
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 0d1490c5702e55475bab03f6ce19b18a7cb4b6a5 by Douglas R Miles
nb_bound needs to be slighnly more permisive
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit f748caeab7a90c24989ba37cae2c4b3754a4ce46 by Douglas R Miles
use current_test_results.txt
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit caab153aba32c3db3a0170226e6b7ad2ec7ba96f by Douglas R Miles
always publish some of the artifacts
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 6c18d3a98485f6a18ee464db6b63919fa1dce024 by Douglas R Miles
always save the state in git repo
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 770baad5bb4e64615f7475cb11a47a666db9e153 by Douglas R Miles
fixed discontiguous warning
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 373e57e0d534aadff37009097968f31943f8c9bf by Douglas R Miles
fixed fatal: a branch named 'test-results' already exists
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit b21a0a0a8e31f1f71f4c5408a4a18da219ef7fe6 by Douglas R Miles
checkout  'test-results' to a subdir and use it
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 425b02a794f0dc1689689f4ccc0cfd3f5ed0d2f0 by Douglas R Miles
added small bits of forward chaining to corelib
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/corelib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 6a2a69f9c8c11bb058b0ba0d9765f1932e07e86d by Douglas R Miles
:run less tests while debugging script
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit fdb831a2b81c78089f379f05e80750f545efcc67 by Douglas R Miles
ensure just-results exists
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit 44a26e27398d09053b667737b587000c6534273d by Douglas R Miles
ensure just-results exists now
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
Commit f14bac6d8258030cfdfb300bace352665361eba3 by Douglas R Miles
impl and doc of the 27 new preds
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit d441aa41f4fd32af4db1553b03a1d2a3d71eb848 by Douglas R Miles
forward chaining the math op types
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 09f16dbe34394cc08c11537bccf4209b9fe006a3 by Douglas R Miles
added _mw to test files that specifically wont be expected to work in hyperon
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
Commit 0457e9a00352096fdd9bbfe2e72e95506552c4ed by AdrickTench
partial docs and implementation for coerce
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit a01da6fc7837f845f0f22bac2110f5b21bf13181 by AdrickTench
don't run nightly tests on forks
The file was modified.github/workflows/ci.yml (diff)
Commit ff8cb71660abe6d6ffb996c5cd1b9c1bd433624e by Douglas R Miles
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 878b61426278b30da694f9653e765c9035125d99 by Douglas R Miles
corisponding commit to
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/d5_auto_types.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/d2_higherfunc.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/agents/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/c1_grounded_basic.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/test_snet_call.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/b5_types_prelim.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperonpy.cpp (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/test_snet_meta.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/hyperon/exts/snet_io/ (diff)
Commit 304d706f4894bded63b332d0bbe6abeab5f3f73f by Douglas R Miles
add call-fn! doc and using if-decons-expr for easier code compare to minimal metta
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit c35a67566c32c486f4e8a4a5ac0049986ecc62d1 by Douglas R Miles
Testing `predicate-arity` and `function-arity`
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit 35cf079cb98f646f885763a25698c4de94aa58df by Douglas R Miles
Update docs for `predicate-arity` and `function-arity`
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit b5b490fed26977a163a95cc45c76b901df93232e by Douglas R Miles
Add .gitattributes to force .metta files as text
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/corelib.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
The file was added.gitattributes
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit 46444764dacbcd2f590da37a7bcdc8b9495a4595 by Douglas R Miles
Still need to make the callbacks file load
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was addedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/lsp-callbacks.metta
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/lsp-callbacks.metta (diff)
Commit 8c9c378d8161060239ef2371b3125a3507e4f67d by Douglas R Miles
toplevel_form -> toplevel
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/lsp-callbacks.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/lsp-callbacks.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
Commit fdc79c4ae9aafe4b77d82cd917ad02ce8c14bc81 by Douglas R Miles
start of nqueebs explaiantion
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 23497aa50832c94d8946bf98f54c6398269b5d9b by Douglas R Miles
!(pragma! interpreter bare-minimal)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/lsp-callbacks.metta (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 474d044c9f1a52949de7217238cc4e8801dd91c7 by Douglas R Miles
Fixed a typo thaqt was making assertEqualToResult appear twice"
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta (diff)
Commit c422a3867c1ed9e8f841e88f784897df104c8795 by Douglas R Miles
Sometimes its nice to have the output of the transpiler shown in a file
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit e15ef8c955fcd50717a4e11bcee414319fbcd3c8 by Douglas R Miles
Sometimes its nice to have the output of the transpiler shown in a
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 2679ce2f2188b4a93316e8ae88f95d12ca3ef948 by Douglas R Miles
Sometimes its nice to have the output of the transpiler shown in a
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 8a93dcf72aa3e00a6a2a5c3643bbf7b5de4e9d31 by Douglas R Miles
:- dynamic(enabled_log_progress/0).
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
Commit 7aa7d73bc3ff8544f9e14386882ddd994f70fece by Douglas R Miles
remove time/1 from startup
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit 6b0cd9213816412d64aa0b7e11355504bde1161d by Douglas R Miles
settings and prolog directory
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/init.default.metta
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/repl.default.metta
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedsettings.metta
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/corelib.metta
The file was modifiedmettalog (diff)
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
The file was addedprolog/
The file was addedprolog/
The file was addedprolog/
The file was modifiedprolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprolog/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was
Commit fd3331f6bfc17cca216849b308bb12eca50b0471 by Douglas R Miles
ideally lsp server almost loads
The file was modifiedprolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedscripts/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/vscode/extension.js (diff)
Commit 91b2f00ae9fbdc0bfc8e1883d5584959bbf259d9 by Douglas R Miles
lsp server mostly works again
The file was modifiedlibraries/lsp_server_metta/prolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprolog/ (diff)
The file was modifiedlibraries/loaders/genome/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprolog/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedhyperon-wam.vpj (diff)
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/corelib.metta.buffer~
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was modified.Attic/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was added.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta.buffer~
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/corelib.metta.buffer~
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/stdlib_mettalog.metta.buffer~
The file was removed.Attic/metta_lang/
Commit 4c398aa1e159b262df71e460f60e0d304a1903ef by Douglas R Miles
sync to
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/f1_moduleA.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/c3_pln_stv.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/ (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/e2_states.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedpython/tests/scripts/f1_imports.metta (diff)
The file was modifiedprolog/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was modifiedprolog/metta_lang/ (diff)
The file was addedprolog/metta_lang/
Commit 75df819a0fc4b46d62c9425f2a87fbbb869ba4d9 by Douglas R Miles
fixed ERROR: /home/deb12user/metta-wam/prolog/metta_lang/ Syntax error: Operator expected
The file was modifiedprolog/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 3fe9745b5df9fbf0887788afc0e8d667923939fd by Douglas R Miles
added indenting to test pass/fail
The file was modifiedprolog/metta_lang/ (diff)
Commit 1ac99472b945ebdb35dbe2aad9f2d7906065e83b by Douglas R Miles
Attempt to address by putting the update and the package installs as one docker layer.. there could been problems if someone has previous cached layers
The file was modified.dockerignore (diff)
The file was modifiedDockerfile (diff)
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/f1_moduleB.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/a2_opencoggy.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Recursion_and_control___MeTTa_Language5.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/easy/test.metta
The file was addedtests/zebra/main.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/a3_twoside.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/sealed_test.metta
The file was addedtests/zebra/sec.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/is_space.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/peano.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Working_with_spaces___MeTTa_Language5.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/d5_auto_types.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Metatypes___MeTTa_Language3.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language4.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/e1_kb_write.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/call_tests_mw.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/b1_equal_chain.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_evaluation___MeTTa_Language11.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language8.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/sorting_tests_nats_mw.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Recursive_and_parametric_types___MeTTa_Language9.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/walk_thru/debug_mettalogTestCurried.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/synth_buffer/time_synthesize.metta.html
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/nalifier.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/b2_backchain.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Concrete_types___MeTTa_Language9.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language8.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_evaluation___MeTTa_Language2.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/bchain_comp.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/d1_gadt.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/let_superpose_list.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/synth_buffer/time_synthesize.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/tuple_type_checking_he_669.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/debug_mettalogTestCurried.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/g1_docs.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Working_with_spaces___MeTTa_Language7.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/quick/c1_grounded_basic.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_grounded_functions___MeTTa_Language8.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language5.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/types2.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/add_atom_match.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Operations_over_atoms___MeTTa_Language6.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/match_feval.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/rule_macros_mw.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Controlling_pattern_matching___MeTTa_Language10.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/zeroargs.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language3.metta
The file was addedtests/zebra/fol-bc.zebra.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/full_error.txt
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/b2_backchain.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/quoting_scoping_he_579.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/transpiler/letlet.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/partitioning_atomspaces_and_performance_he_774.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language2.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/c1_grounded_basic.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_evaluation___MeTTa_Language6.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/output_load_tests.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/identity.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/flip_test.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/test_spo_5000.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Console_output_and_debugging___MeTTa_Language3.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language2.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/types2.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Concrete_types___MeTTa_Language7.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/recursive_tuple_list_perf_he_394.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/what_evals_or_not.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/list_vs_term_syntax_mw.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/index_min_functions_extra_1.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/hald_spo_100.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/minimal_metta_tests.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/synth_buffer/time_synthesize_short.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/base_test_repr_parse_intersection.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/b3_direct.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/nested_parameters.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/let_superpose_list2.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/and_or.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/hald_spo_5000.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/quick/f1_moduleB.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Functions_and_unification___MeTTa_Language3.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/catch_throw_tests_mw.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/method_selection_tests.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Controlling_pattern_matching___MeTTa_Language5.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Free_variables_and_nondeterminism_again,_recursively___MeTTa_Language1.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/functional_programming_tests.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/easy/
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Concrete_types___MeTTa_Language5.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/synth_buffer/time_synthesize_long.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/previous/define_if_like.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/rust_01.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/f1_moduleC.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Working_with_spaces___MeTTa_Language10.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/letlet.metta
The file was addedtests/zebra/
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/synth_buffer/synthesize.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/walk_thru/bchain.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/eval_for_tests_mw.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/multifunction.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language16.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/06_match_in_space.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/states_spaces.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/structure-tests.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Free_variables_and_nondeterminism_again,_recursively___MeTTa_Language3.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Working_with_spaces___MeTTa_Language8.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_grounded_functions___MeTTa_Language3.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Concrete_types___MeTTa_Language12.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/hyperpose_tests.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_evaluation___MeTTa_Language9.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/nested_parameters.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/letlet.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language6.metta
The file was addedtests/zebra/zebra1.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/types.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Operations_over_atoms___MeTTa_Language7.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/hald_spo_2500.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/tmpMatch2.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/transpiler/let_superpose_list.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language1.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/match_superposed_spaces.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Functions_and_unification___MeTTa_Language2.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/rust_02.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language3.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/supercollapse.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/b5_types_prelim.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/morph/let_superpose_if_case.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/transpiler/
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/rust_tests_mw.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/hyperpose.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Controlling_pattern_matching___MeTTa_Language4.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/match_void.metta
The file was addedtests/zebra/yaleshooting.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/walk_thru/system_proofTestCurried.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Metatypes___MeTTa_Language2.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Recursive_and_parametric_types___MeTTa_Language7.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language6.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/f1_imports.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/rust_03_causes_bug.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Operations_over_atoms___MeTTa_Language2.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/if.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/tests0.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/first_answer.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/comma_is_not_special.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Recursive_and_parametric_types___MeTTa_Language4.metta
The file was addedtests/direct_comp/peasy/e3_match_states.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Recursion_and_control___MeTTa_Language9.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Working_with_spaces___MeTTa_Language11.metta
The file was addedtests/baseline_compat/quick/d2_higherfunc.metta
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