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tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language3.metta The file was added tests/zebra/fol-bc.zebra.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/full_error.txt The file was added tests/direct_comp/peasy/b2_backchain.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/quoting_scoping_he_579.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/transpiler/letlet.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/partitioning_atomspaces_and_performance_he_774.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language2.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/peasy/c1_grounded_basic.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_evaluation___MeTTa_Language6.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/output_load_tests.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/morph/identity.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/flip_test.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/anti-regression/issues/metta-wam-issue-116/test_spo_5000.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Console_output_and_debugging___MeTTa_Language3.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language2.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/types2.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Concrete_types___MeTTa_Language7.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/recursive_tuple_list_perf_he_394.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/what_evals_or_not.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/list_vs_term_syntax_mw.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/index_min_functions_extra_1.metta The file was added 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The file was added tests/baseline_compat/module-system/f1_moduleA.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/module-system/f1_moduleC.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/peasy/d3_deptypes.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Control_flow___MeTTa_Language14.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_evaluation___MeTTa_Language7.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Concrete_types___MeTTa_Language1.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/module-system/f1_imports.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/peasy/_e2_states_dia.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/math_hyphen_functions.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/peasy/d2_higherfunc.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Metatypes___MeTTa_Language6.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Console_output_and_debugging___MeTTa_Language2.metta The file was added 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tests/direct_comp/peasy/e2_states.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/quick/d1_gadt.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/f1_moduleB.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Handling_nondeterministic_results___MeTTa_Language7.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/types3.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Working_with_spaces___MeTTa_Language16.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Basic_evaluation___MeTTa_Language14.metta The file was added tests/zebra/zebra4.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Recursive_and_parametric_types___MeTTa_Language8.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Functions_and_unification___MeTTa_Language1.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Controlling_pattern_matching___MeTTa_Language2.metta The file was added 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tests/direct_comp/transpiler/match_feval.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Nested_queries_and_recursive_graph_traversal___MeTTa_Language3.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/peasy/b4_nondeterm.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta-morph_tests/sequential_nested.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Operations_over_atoms___MeTTa_Language3.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/intersection_tests.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-mettalog_sanity/idiomatic_negation_and_set_difference_he_805.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Console_output_and_debugging___MeTTa_Language10.metta The file was added tests/direct_comp/peasy/b3_direct.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/metta_lang/Recursive_and_parametric_types___MeTTa_Language2.metta The file was added tests/baseline_compat/hyperon-experimental_scripts/a1_symbols.metta The file was added 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tests/zebra/zebra1.metta (diff) The file was added tests/zebra/zebra5_no_states.metta